I had multiple manual and automatic restore points created since last Monday (about 10). I've checked my system restore settings and they're still the same as before (Image: https://imgur.com/FhxzjAF). I have about 300gb free on the C: drive so I don't know why Windows would delete these restore points, which makes me think that it was some kind of malware. I'm still able to create new restore points though (https://imgur.com/X2AieA0).

I looked at the windows Event Log and I saw these entries: https://imgur.com/T5XqOL0. All of the "Information" entries have the same message, while the "Error" entry has this message: https://imgur.com/RaKp5Yg.

From what I've read on system restore point automatic deletion, the oldest are removed when the user defined settings aren't enough to store new ones, no storage space left on the hard drive, and they're older than 90 days. If it was a "user defined settings" issue, why would windows delete ALL of the restore points?

Another issue I noticed is that there's this new icon in the "Network" window without a name (Image: https://imgur.com/e14NCOK). When I open it's properties, it's not showing anything besides a MAC address. I've checked my router's log and I can't find any device that connected to my network with this MAC address. Any idea what this is or how to find out what it's doing? I checked my other computers and none of them are showing this icon, only this one.

I don't know if both of these issues are related, but I noticed the network device issue at around the same time as the system restore points issue.

Thank you.