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Thread: Hello, I just found out a free anti-ransomware

  1. #1
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    Smile Hello, I just found out a free anti-ransomware

    As I had lost many of my folders content a while ago, and had to re-install Windows OEM, I was thinking about buying an anti-ransomware, but no bad intentions :/ credit card didn't work because I spent too much, LOL. And as it didn't unblock itself for the website (maybe another time), I went looking for a free anti-ransomware, I already tested B. one but it said it doesn't protect from all anti-ransomware unless you buy the antivirus, so I found out, just luck in Bing, RansomFree by Cybereason. I hope it does what it says, it says it's free forever and seems like it's not an anti-virus (neither a Firewall, Firewalls can block my printer or cause tons of errors while installing softwares, so they aren't useful for normal computer use), and it says it won't talk about no free trial. Hope it's compatible with you =) I'm less worried on working in my computer with that on. Seems also that Windows Defender has an anti-ransomware free on click, but only available if I'm not using an antivirus. Witch I am. But I hope that will fix all my future worries and will protect my computer.
    I often restart Windows in the options, it's more because I can at the moment buy some programs I'm interested, so I test everything, and uninstall often blocks, I can also reset it if I feel there is a virus in it, right now I'm clean and I'm still going to whitelist again =). I was wondering about the PRO version, since from time to time, I can afford it, no job yet, but I have some pocket money at 36yo, and I'm self-business that had never started anything, but that exists on the web officially and that did wrote what she wanted as what I am supposed to be... aka to dream I am, but problem is what if I re-install Windows OEM or if one day I change my computer as my laptop is far more then 5years, but I think it can still live 5 more years, and it seems it doesn't include re-installation of Licence ?
    I also bought, but just one Yubikey NEO (USB or WIFI unlock key), Facebook did change again it's security parameters, so I can again connect Facebook to phone without using an APP, as my new smartphone is not compatible with the security APPS needed (or I don't understand them). So it's not useful to buy 2 as I need a 2nd cellphone number, and I don't have that. But it can secure my Password Manager. I'm waiting for it. Some do say it only works 2months, so it gives more trouble then it takes, but all the secure options of my password manager requires to be paid, and that one is free, and easy. Do you think it's an useful security and that it can last ? If it locks me out, I'll try another password manager, but I don't aim doing that, LOL.
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  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello waterreedshimmer,

    In case you missed the FAQ

    I am not familiar with Cybereason, I saw this article on the first page of a Google search.

    Quote Originally Posted by waterreedshimmer View Post
    I also bought, but just one Yubikey NEO (USB or WIFI unlock key), Facebook did change again it's security parameters, so I can again connect Facebook to phone without using an APP, as my new smartphone is not compatible with the security APPS needed (or I don't understand them). So it's not useful to buy 2 as I need a 2nd cellphone number, and I don't have that. But it can secure my Password Manager. I'm waiting for it. Some do say it only works 2months, so it gives more trouble then it takes, but all the secure options of my password manager requires to be paid, and that one is free, and easy. Do you think it's an useful security and that it can last ? If it locks me out, I'll try another password manager, but I don't aim doing that, LOL.
    A YubiKey NEO? Perhaps someone else has used one and can comment.

    Best regards.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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  3. #3
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    So what I had said was: I don't trust a website that only says critics because it is some kind of robot spy on the web that add more polemics and break up by missleading important people and non important at all people with information that aims shock or angustia or any deep feeling reaction.

    No idea if it is a hacker or a robot, don't think I am alone on that. But what I got as private comment from hacker for having bought (around 150euros for about 10 softwares) authentic oldies softwares for my computer that in past were very expensive, some of them even went Open Source, but the others had price decreased.

    - Hacker did delete my Windows validation key, but my computer got it back automatically
    - Had several issues with: Spybot and Windows Defender. System said Spybot was not built for Windows system so I re-installed it. Windows defender real time protection (in french) was desactivated and there was no way to activate whatever protection.
    - Received (I'm not connecting to the usual mail where hacker uses to send me fake job adds), phishing, marvelous created, about tax refund and television subscription monthly, all very high shocking fees, but I did told it to Signal Spam. I don't have rights in tax refund as self business and I live at my parents.
    - In my phone, no way to tell that: I have a firewall, I often block something said Zygote, but no trace of it nowhere, will post this Zygote thing later, but, as my phone heats too much because it is a 1GB phone with extra applications in the SD Card that I freeze, I always freeze my bank application after putting money on or back, but hacker always react to that anyhow in any technological way, so it is frightening, so while phone was off, it was not on for sure because it went off because of heat, it managed to unfreeze my bank application, and all the contact type applications I did freeze because I don't have friends to talk with, I did not list all the applications that he/it did unfreeze, but message is clear against me having money. And I am not using much of this money because it is a parent's gift to keep and that I might give back if they must use it, wich has high chances if they are taxed same amount they gave me, but everything was done officially with text from (I don't understand those things) law people establishments.
    - So the hacker only aims my happiness in: me finding a job, as the fake job adds frighten me, me inscribing myself in job-seek as they like pretending to be in contact with the job-seeking establishment, from getting back to studies, not my intention now because they only like young ones, but in the past it did delete my website at each beginning of university year, and it did send me porn in phone when I did attend some free studies conferences out that hadn't to do with my field, for me not to be happy with them and not to wish to study at their field, and it always reacts when there is a chance that money can make me a little happy, although money can't buy happiness, so it dissaprooved me buying those softwares (I won't buy the updates, just to have them on heart in my laptop, and I bought them with the self business name where I have never done nothing about, just for it to be compatible with commercial if I ever go in the small for all selling websites aiming artistic creation and hand made jwelry crafting.

    I have my computer in french, I won't copy paste from spell checkers online, because it may delete my message as before, if it wasn't you. So I can't check spell to have more chances on being published.

    Thank you =)

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    No matter if last post wasn't posted or will be posted, no idea. That's my suspicion of spy in my phone, I think it's a robot, as no telepathic contact with this Zygote. Anyway anything important I do and even if I don't do anything for a while always receive personnal comment that only I can see, not others, by any technological means. And I can't write on french forums about that, because for them internet don't belongs to them neither technology, so I just must shut up and don't do interpretations. It's when I'm playing game that Zygote likes the most to appear, for me to click by accident in Accept, wich did occure of course, as it's an automatic way to get rid of ennoyance.

    When my phone did unfreeze my bank and my contacts apps, it was off because heat had put it off, and it asked me to type again my name and the beginning of installation choices, but it didn't re-install the OS. You could blame the OS for having been flashed, but I don't believe in this version at all. Because there is something wrong with everything I do in life. Zygote don't appear no where else in my phone, couldn't find my firewall logs, but in what I can read, nothing, nowhere. So it's just an image capture. Sad I don't have a firewall that gives names neither on phone, although it did fetch this one for grant/deny it/him/her probably it from getting in my phone to steal my personal data wich is not important at all as I have no contacts. Neither on Windows, but I decided on putting back Tiny Wall, the only open source firewall that didn't screw up my computer, all the others, even the shareware ones, do destroy my computer. But it doesn't give names neither IPs.

    So here is the picture of one of the data thief robots in Android phones.

    I don't have spell cheker, sorry =)
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  5. #5
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    Exclamation Ransomware virus at neutral state found

    Hello, I am not at all on Windows, but I did found in my external drive the $mages a imprimer.docx, file that I had created to put images to print and I had an issue with my images to print files, I think I lost it in my computer, so I printed with odt instead of docx. I don't know if I had saved it, but probably not.

    This is a dangerous file, - if it has the virus of course -

    So no idea if the virus goes to random files or if it was in the same file from beginning.

    I can't zip it.

    And what had happen is that it said that it was part of Windows files, and that Windows won't work correctly if I delete it, then it disappeared, then I had ... you know my ransomware issue that the anti-ransomware caught. Then I changed back to Linux but bought Windows and did not try it back. So it was linked to the fake asking me inbuilt default Windows key that is numeric and not in Windows since my Windows was a built-in from beginning, from years ago, from new computer never used before.

    You can test it to see if the ransomware is still inside this file I just found ?

    It says invalid file.

    Oh I will mail you, because if it is a virus, I may get an issue with the upload server services.

    I can't upload it in Dropbox :/ I might put it in a key and send it to you via post office ?

    Anyway I can't be sure at all that there is a virus inside but some chance as it doesn't accept being zipped in Ubuntu Linux.
    Last edited by tashi; 2019-02-03 at 22:51. Reason: Merged topics. Removed zip

  6. #6
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    OK, so I don't know if previous topic will appear, so I will use this old one.

    So I found the file that I suspected to be contaminated while doing the external drive tidy up.

    I couldn't save it to hex as it did infinite loop.
    I couldn't put it in USB as all my USB tested had read only issues, I will have to fix later.
    I couldn't add it to zip, but I could put it in a folder and zip it in the folder.

    No idea if there is a virus in it, but this was the file I did suspect to either have the ransomware inside, either had been linked to its activation, either had been a file that the ransomware used once to activate it, as Windows had told me this no saved docx scratch created by me to print pics from the internet, I think was bees and moving on the pics, it was for me to draw the pics, so Windows had told me this file belonged to its filesystem and that Windows will become unstable if I delete it permanently. Was a message like that. So I looked for the file in the garbage, to check what that was as I was deleting everything from computer. And I did not found the file in Windows garbage. But I had this ransomware warning.

    No idea if it is still in the file. As I said it, what I remember about this file is that putting the images in the docx did not work, so I did use odt instead. I think it didn't work because my docx did disappear and I couldn't save it. Hex shows my name in the file because I created it, but I did not remember saving it. Anyway I don't have good memory at all, but I think my memory is 100% OK about these facts.

    So do take care if you analyse this file to see if the ransomware virus or part of it is in it?

    I am no longer in Windows although I bought it, although my key was built-in from very old new computer (always the same =) ), but I changed to Linux since. Because I need to work aka to study. Lots to do. No time to play with files disappearing, I already have my mails issues, so I can't handle 100 wars. And I do love my files. I will delete it later, once you tell me danger, and if you got it as study subject ?

    Thank you very much and have a great new Chinese Year, and a great new year 2019 =)
    Last edited by tashi; 2019-02-03 at 22:46. Reason: Removed zip

  7. #7
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello waterreedshimmer,

    Quote Originally Posted by waterreedshimmer View Post
    This is a dangerous file, - if it has the virus of course -
    Please do not attach potential malware files to a post in any topic or forum here.

    Previous topic in the malware forum:

    I think from this point on, you have questions, you should try to contact CyberReason Ransom Free forums
    Topics regarding a potentially compromised computer must be posted in the Malware Removal Forum

    This thread is now closed.

    Best regards.

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    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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