Hi there,

Yesterday I installed Covenant Eyes and was running it on my computer. Besides the always active website filter, it also takes a screenshot of (whatever is on my screen) once a minute and sends it home to the mothership for analysis. The bot decides if there is anything it doesn't like and will put offending screenshots into an email, sending it to the people on my email list (accountability partners) with a description of what I'm running and what website I'm at. So that those people can read me the riot act if needed.

But the internet was acting real funny. The worst part is I was losing internet connection periodically. A few times I saw a text box pop up on the bottom of Google Chrome, saying 'Internet Connection Restored' (What? I didn't know I lost it).
So I was on the phone with them and chewed out their support staff over various things. They say it is conflicting with Spybot. To just disable the Live Protection and let their program handle it. Hahahaha! Ya ok. Tell me another joke. 😂
But one thing I can do for sure is add Covenant Eyes to a Spybot whitelist, apparently.

Was looking around and can't find any info on it. Except this one article that says (the following) needs to be put in an allowed list or something.
Don't know what that is, as all I can find in Spybot Start Center is a whitelist for what to "exclude in a scan". Nothing about ignoring any apps that are running; just letting them do their business unmolested.

CE Files.png

I've already uninstalled Covenant Eyes (I rage quit). Then I went looking for another porn blocker app and they are all disappointing. Haggard at best. It's like being hungry and opening the fridge door. Not finding something you want. Then you close the door, lower your standards and repeat the process until you are fed.
So if I can figure out this Spybot conflict, then unfortunately I can crawl back to the Christian electric eye that will cast its pale gaze upon everything I do for the foreseeable future.

Help please.

I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean