If you look at the detection ratio Nod32 have had the last previous years, it has been fairly steady on the top of the list (the detection ratio list). I think the negative trend around Nod32 is based mainly on bugs, and not on the detection ratio, which has created misunderstanding and maybe doubts about Nod32. I have never had any problems with Nod32, and to be honest, it's the best purchase I've ever made in my life.

Some people says Nod32 miss some features and it's "outdated", something it's not. It's detecting more malicious stuff than their competitors, has the lowest false-positive detection ratio in the business and in the newest version, it has got many modern features (which has been requested for a while). And by the way, why do you need the newest features when it's still detecting more malicious software than the competitors? I am not promoting the software, I'm just saying my opinion. And yes, it is still the lightest av out there, and you won't even notice a difference if you run a full scan or not.