We are proud to announce new versions of miscellaneous tools are now available for beta testing!

Scanning engine

This update cannot be disabled in the download package below; it is not only used if you install TeaTimer, but by the main Spybot-S&D scanner as well. The methods available to detect malware have been more than doubled, including new ways to generically detect malware mutations.


Aside from the fix of the graphical glitch so many users have been waiting for, there have been some important changes under the hood, which will reduce the number of change dialogs where the user has to decide.
TeaTimer now automatically allows any changes during the installation of other security software which follow the ASCs guideline of code-signing all files, as well as a much improved scan of the files associated with registry changes.

Vista Security Center

The Windows Security Center included with Windows Vista has a dedicated entry for malware protection software.
Microsoft ships Windows Defender with Vista, however, Spybot-S&D can now easily integrate into the Vista Security Center; which will then monitor if Spybot-S&D is up-to-date and whether the permanent protection (TeaTimer) is running or not.
This update will only show on Vista systems, since previous Windows versions do not offer anti malware integration into WSC.

Download beta versions of above tools here