Quote Originally Posted by tashi View Post
Also a word of caution regarding the use of any registry cleaner: Registry Cleaners, not recommended
People who need to read that won't. Ie, the people too fool hardy to know what registry cleaner do and can do and just blindly click "next" assuming the software knows what is best for you.

Unlike earlier Operating Systems, the registry bloat and issues associated with dead entries does not occur with the XP or Vista kernels. Windows is a closed source system, developers of registry cleaners are not working on definitive information, but rather empirical knowledge. Automatic cleaners will usually have to do some guesswork.
I've seen any number of third-party PC advisers and experts disagree and emphatically state that registry bloat and dead entries slow down at least Windows XP.

The funny thing is, Spybot itself includes a register cleaner, not the best one (seriously, why does all the specific data only show up if you copy and paste?), but it does have one. I think it would be less disingenuous to tell people that registry cleaning is for advanced users only and are not like virus or spyware scanners.