Fairly new to Spybot, so having a little teething trouble.
Basically whenever I try to do something that involves a registry value, for instance installing/uninstalling a program, or even altering my IExplorer home page, Spybot pops up & warns me that the registry is about to be changed.

So far so good. But the pop up box is corrupted so that all I can see is three quarters of the phrase "remember this decision" next to a tick box (which can be ticked & unticked with no result), than a small button with a "?" on which takes me to the help pages, an info button (usually has no info though) and then a blank, longer button which cannot be pressed.

I've tried every combination of ticked/unticked, pressed all the buttons, but to no avail. It's getting a little tiresome now!

Can anybody help me please?

Thanks, Mark Snelson.