Hello !

I'm having TWO problems with SpyBot that "MAY" be connected. They both have to do with items checked to be "Ignored" becoming UN-checked for no apparent reason. I've read through the first ten (10) pages on this forum and didn't find anything that would help. So I decided to start a thread here.

My computer is a Dell 8300. The OS is Windows XP / SP3. Our AV/AS is Sunbelt's VIPRE, and Firewall is WinXP's built in. It's just my wife and I using this computer and we are both "Administrators".

The FIRST problem has been on-going since version 1.2 or 1.3 (It's been so long that I've forgotten which version). The Cookies that have been selected (checked) to be ignored become UN-checked when the "users" are changed. Meaning that either by logging off one user account and logging on to the other, OR being on one user account and re-booting the computer then signing on to the other user's account. After either of those two occurances, when SpyBot is opened on the "new" users account, the previously checked cookies are now UN-checked. This is NOT a case of it happening only "some of the time" or "most of the time": It happens EVERY time we switch from one user to the other! And, yes, there have been more than a few times that I have been repeatedly tempted to un-install SpyBot just to avoid the daily "problem"!

The SECOND problem just started happening in the last three or four days (maybe immediately after last Wednesday's Update?), and it co-incided with some "strange" behavior by SpyBot. The problem is similar to the "Ignored Cookies" problem described above, but it has to do with the "Ignored Products" settings. Specifically, ignored "Tracks.uti" becoming UN-Checked. I don't select very many of those and I can't even tell you "why" I select the ones I do, other than to say than I get tired of having the same ones show up on every scan. The "ignored" tracks are for: "Log", "MS Direct3D", "MS DirectDraw", "MS DirectInput", and "Windows Explorer".

The "strange" behavior that I mentioned above has to do with the program's settings, sort of like when you first install SpyBot. The "tip of the day" shows up every time you open the program. There are NO sounds at the end of each scan. I went through and tried to "re-set" all of the settings to as near as I can remember them being, and for the most part, it seems to have worked out "OK". EXCEPT for the "ignored Tracks" becoming UN-checked each time the users are switched. NOTE : I do NOT know why the behavior of SpyBot changed. I've run both VIPRE and Super-Anti-Spyware scans and so far nothing has popped up. Strangely enough, I have not, as yet, ran a FULL scan with SpyBot!

Sorry for the length of this entry!

NOTE : The "Ignored Tracks" problem (becoming UN-checked) has occurred before (in the last year, or so) and I was able to "fix" it. I don't remember how (or where) I came up with the "solution" though.

Thank You in Advance.....

Robin Hickman
Eugene, Oregon, USA