...then Muhammad must go to the mountain.


I posted last week with a question concerning how to install the Spybot updates file by hand on a sick computer that no longer has Internet access.

Nothing that was proposed (all of which I tried) led to the successful completion of a scan -- at best, Spybot would get almost to the end of its scan and then go no further, ultimately crashing with an "illegal operation" message.

So, having no success in putting a completely up-to-date and fully functional copy of Spybot on the old computer, I did the next best thing, and copied the entire contents of my old PC's C: drive (7 GB) to a USB flash drive, then used Spybot on my current PC to scan that. (If the mountain won't come to Muhammad....)

I know that this is not a perfect image of the old computer, but it's the best I could come up with in a jiffy. Anyway, the scan revealed one Trojan, AdDestination. (See attachment.)

As far as what I can tell from a Web search, this doesn't appear to be a particularly dangerous item, but I do have two questions for anybody willing to (patiently) apply their expertise:

1) The Trojan seems to be embedded in an Adobe file, WHA Library.dll. Can I have Spybot fix the Trojan on the flash drive, then copy the fixed file (or its entre folder) back to the sick PC -- and have the Adobe program continue to work? Or (which seems less likely), can I simply delete that particular file altogether from the Adobe folder on the old PC, and have Adobe keep working?

2) Could this Trojan really be causing my computer to slow down and freeze up after a period of general computing, or (especially) to choke when I try to run Spybot on it?

Thank you in advance for anyone willing to share their knowledge with someone who never before had to dig so deeply into his computer or security software.
