I don't know how our when, but I can NOW access the website vistaprint.com... when I answered your last instructions, I ran....
notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts as a new run instead of the saved file I sent you....that explains why I did not find the vistaprint entries... today, I looked at the saved file and indeed found the entries on pg 236 of 241...

I did run my utilities after I sent you my reply on the new run file... I use free version of Ad-Aware, Spybot, and Glary Utilities.... these programs did find an additional infected file, as well as correcting many registry file entries...

Not sure how the vistaprint entries no longer appear in the run report...
Since the site is no longer blocked...do we need to proceed with any other scans or file runs... I have NOT run the newest file you requested....

If we are now good to go, which programs you had me install and run do I uninstall and are any of these programs should I keep and use on my own?