Quote Originally Posted by Jay77 View Post

Have been a SpyBot user for many years, I now get the same issue.



Have tried multiple times, also safe mode. No difference, doesn't complete (have even waiting an hour).

Please get this resolved!
I feel your pain. But an hour (while incredibly long to a computer) is merely a blink to how long I have left it there (14 hours.)
I knew intellectually that after an hour on one file it should have moved on so is in a loop or stopped but just to say I gave it a chance I let it run.
In my case it is the zlob detection but is at a win32 file (I dont remember which one) I would go rename or delete it if I knew which one but since I am not the only one having this problem I feel it is Spybot's problem with either something detecting and preventing their program, or a fault in code, or a threat / change that their program does not deal with correctly. If it at least had a timer that when it timed out it either proceeded to the next file or the next detection schema or finished with a report and errors it would be ok. But this nothing and no recognition or refuting of the problem seems unacceptable. The initial post is weeks old so some sort of reply from them is warranted I think.
I know it is free but .....