Hello. I'm glad Ubuntu installed okay. Hope you like it.

I seem to just use squint power nowadays.

I admit I don't have an antivirus or antimalware on my Linux, but thinking on it I decided to see what people are saying about that.
There's some debate about that here:
This link says you don't need an antivirus, but then tagged on a usually at the end:
This one states it's a complex question:

This one says an antivirus is a must for any computer even though linux is considered to be safer, and then lists off some antiviruses for linux:
It probably couldn't hurt to consider an antivirus for linux, then, better safe than sorry.

The 'Desktop Screen' takes a bit of getting used to especially as the 'Side Bar' with all the HDD's/Programs/Browser showing stays there even when you open up a Program!
Is that the Unity bar? I wouldn't like that either. This page says there's a command now to move it to the bottom of the screen:

This is a page about how to resize desktop icons if you'd like to have a look:

You're welcome.