
I have a stand-alone PC Pentium 3 running Win98SE with Spybot 1.4.

When a "Check for Problems" ("scan") is carried out, the floppy drive gets "rattled" so much that I have to stick a floppy disk in it. The floppy drive's green r_eading light then stays on for some while during the Spybot scan.

There are no other applications open during the scan (though "GoBack" and "NIS 2003" are running in the background) and certainly nothing to explain why the floppy disk drive is being accessed other than because of the Spybot scan.

I am concerned whether Spybot may perhaps be wrongly trying to scan the floppy drive instead of the areas on the hard drive where it is supposed to be scanning?

I would be grateful for a comm_ent shedding some light on this.
