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Thread: Spybot not loading in Vista

  1. #21
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    No,if any Immunization is undone,Spybot doesn't automatically readd immunization.It's done manually,by clicking the Immunize button with the green cross next to it.

  2. #22
    Senior Member drragostea's Avatar
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    Jan 2008


    Just also a quick note. Chris, the TitanShield and etc. are false positives. I'm not sure if AVG has fixed that, because I haven't been using it for some months.

    Story was that if you quarantined or deleted the "warnings (registry keys)", Spybot and SpywareBlaster will have some entries unimmunized.

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Zen: Ok, well I reimmunized anyway. I can't remember how long the scan took in normal mode, but in safe it took 20 mins. (Didn't find any problems, just some usage tracks)

    Drrag, yep I know, I did a little bit of research afterwards and found that, but what I thought was strange was that after quarantining in AVG, spybot didn't see anything that was unimmunized (i'm talking about the columns protected / unprotected).

    still not loading sometimes, and (sorry i just remembered this now :P) sometimes the teatimer icon doesn't show in the systray, but it's functioning anyway...

    - Chris

  4. #24
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    When starting Spybot in safe mode,did you have any problems starting Spybot,or did it start right up?

  5. #25
    Junior Member
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    Well, in safe mode there were no problems. Just opened in normal mode again without problems, downloaded some updates, so i'll run a scan in normal mode in a little bit, to find out how long it takes (even if it does have a few more detections).. - Chris

  6. #26
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Could I see a startup list,if you are able to open Spybot okay next time?
    Open Spybot,click mode,advanced mode,then Tools,System Startup,then click Export,then Save.
    Go to View Report->View Previous Report->doubleclick SpybotSD.System startup report.txt,after it opens in Spybot rightclick,select Select All,rightclick again and select Copy,then paste it here.

  7. #27
    Junior Member
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    Here you go Zen, while trying to get SB to work previously I was shutting down most things (including AVG because of some bad detections on their part..)
    - Chris
    p.s. right-click? such a laborious way (CTRL+A | CTRL+C | ALT+TAB | CTRL+V )
    Edit: Hmmm? Teatimer on LU? I'd prefer on LM.... any idea how to move it? [/lazy]

    --- Spybot - Search & Destroy version: 1.5.2 (build: 20080128) ---

    2008-01-28 blindman.exe (
    2008-01-28 SDDelFile.exe (
    2008-01-28 SDMain.exe (
    2007-10-07 SDShred.exe (
    2008-01-28 SDUpdate.exe (
    2008-01-28 SDWinSec.exe (
    2008-01-28 SpybotSD.exe (
    2008-01-28 TeaTimer.exe (
    2008-06-02 unins000.exe (
    2008-01-28 Update.exe (
    2008-01-28 advcheck.dll (
    2007-04-02 aports.dll (
    2007-11-17 DelZip179.dll (
    2008-01-28 SDFiles.dll (
    2008-01-28 SDHelper.dll (
    2008-01-28 Tools.dll (
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-18 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\
    2008-06-10 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\
    2008-06-16 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-18 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2007-11-07 Includes\
    2008-06-10 Includes\
    2008-06-18 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-17 Includes\
    2008-06-03 Includes\Tracks.uti
    2008-06-11 Includes\
    2008-06-18 Includes\
    2008-03-04 Plugins\Chai.dll
    2008-03-05 Plugins\Fennel.dll
    2008-02-26 Plugins\Mate.dll
    2008-12-24 Plugins\TCPIPAddress.dll

    Located: HK_LM:Run, Apoint
    command: C:\Program Files\Apoint2K\Apoint.exe
    file: C:\Program Files\Apoint2K\Apoint.exe
    size: 155648
    MD5: 3725331A9383C1FBCA84FE94638A2A62

    Located: HK_LM:Run, AVG8_TRAY
    command: C:\PROGRA~1\AVG\AVG8\avgtray.exe
    file: C:\PROGRA~1\AVG\AVG8\avgtray.exe
    size: 1177368
    MD5: 2AC3626BE28448526942A863C6F1B45C

    Located: HK_LM:Run, FuncKey
    command: "C:\Program Files\Hotkey 1.0.4\FuncKey.exe"
    file: C:\Program Files\Hotkey 1.0.4\FuncKey.exe
    size: 122880
    MD5: F971908B219F70E9F26034566FFA0AD8

    Located: HK_LM:Run, PowerManager
    command: C:\Program Files\Power Manager\PM.exe
    file: C:\Program Files\Power Manager\PM.exe
    size: 34304
    MD5: 284F4E951E4C9F80877DF3452DB3ED91

    Located: HK_LM:Run, SunJavaUpdateSched
    command: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe"
    file: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe
    size: 132496
    MD5: D4F0F7437327DBAA264338BAAFB5E5AF

    Located: HK_LM:Run, TkBellExe
    command: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe" -osboot
    file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe
    size: 185896
    MD5: 89D583FC41D48328128A974C25AFAEB7

    Located: HK_LM:Run, Windows Defender
    command: %ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe -hide
    file: C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe
    size: 1006264
    MD5: 9AD9E2FB2811123DA13DE84CC154AB77

    Located: HK_LM:Run, ZoneAlarm Client
    command: "C:\Program Files\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe"
    file: C:\Program Files\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe
    size: 959976
    MD5: E0AE1FED0EBE5FA6D2A9892F69470F21

    Located: HK_LM:Run, HP Software Update (DISABLED)
    command: C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
    file: C:\Program Files\HP\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
    size: 49152
    MD5: B93C4070F24E46B0097648C276B5039E

    Located: HK_LM:Run, QuickTime Task (DISABLED)
    command: "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
    file: C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe
    size: 282624
    MD5: 383145864F6543C97A7E1B78505D2F1C

    Located: HK_LM:Run, S3Trayp (DISABLED)
    command: S3trayp.exe -chkautorun
    file: C:\Windows\system32\S3trayp.exe
    size: 204800
    MD5: 429DCC83E9A09DA34EFA393288C79A50

    Located: HK_CU:Run, Sidebar (DISABLED)
    where: S-1-5-19...
    command: %ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe /detectMem
    file: C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe
    size: 1232896
    MD5: 582F3A0BA61D8F0D50C66B592808B6D6

    Located: HK_CU:Run, SpybotSD TeaTimer
    where: S-1-5-21-4145682505-3039896327-2506410335-1000...
    command: C:\Arquivos de Programas\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
    file: C:\Arquivos de Programas\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
    size: 2097488
    MD5: A9A5DB6AC3721BE698B996913693D73F

    Located: Startup (common), HP Digital Imaging Monitor.lnk
    where: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup...
    command: C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
    file: C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqtra08.exe
    size: 210520
    MD5: 1BA45CDEF852381DA4A95D056DDB4B48

    Located: Startup (common), OpenOffice QuickStart.lnk
    where: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup...
    command: C:\Program Files\\program\quickstart.exe
    file: C:\Program Files\\program\quickstart.exe
    size: 393216
    MD5: F5CECCFE0CF964B209DCAB226D4C1DE3

    Located: Startup (user), HotSync Manager.lnk (DISABLED)
    where: C:\Users\Templo de Cultura\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup...
    command: C:\Program Files\Palm\HOTSYNC.EXE
    file: C:\Program Files\Palm\HOTSYNC.EXE
    size: 299008
    MD5: 12DA480E14F7DA67FB4AF04CB5BEF040
    Last edited by ChrisWarFi; 2008-06-19 at 00:22. Reason: Adding notes

  8. #28
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I see you do have Zone Alarm.Is that the free or Pro version?

    Sorry,not quite getting the Teatimer question.Do you mean you`d prefer it be at HK_LM?

  9. #29
    Junior Member
    Join Date
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    Rio de Janeiro (WiFi account)


    Hiya. It's the free version.

    And yes, surely it would be more effective in LM than CU, at least on multi-profile computers.. Unless I missed an option somewhere... - Chris

  10. #30
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Not all users might want to use Teatimer,so the startup entry is put into HK_CU.Teatimer can just be activated on other user accounts by going to Tools->Resident,and checkmarking Teatimer.

    Odd that you have a somewhat similar problem to lion1860's,and you both have Zone Alarm.

    I know it seems unlikely for a firewall to cause problems with Spybot starting,but then again I've had weirder things happen to me before,so I try to take such things at face value.
    Are you able to log off the Internet?If so,maybe you could just temporarily shut down Zone Alarm,and see if Spybot starts normally without problems then.

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