Pop Rocks (and a can of Coke!)
Pop Rocks (and a can of Coke!)
DELL Latitude C600/Pent III/1.0Ghz/10Gb/256Mb/WinXPro SP2/FF20016&IE6/
Zone Alarm / avast! / Spybot S&D, SuperAntispyware, Malwarebytes & Spyware Blaster
Oooh, yea, those popping candy. It takes good, except the raspberry .
The original Coke was alright, nowadays, it's just too much caffeine.
What happens if you drink more than a 100 cups of coffee with caffeine?
Tom K. that means you go hyper and have a seizure.
The Pink Purloiner is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season four.