Didn't encounter any problems yet.
I am sorry if this has been discussed before (probably it has) what happened to the eraser function in the context menu? it was a cool function and stronger than unlocker.
Didn't encounter any problems yet.
I am sorry if this has been discussed before (probably it has) what happened to the eraser function in the context menu? it was a cool function and stronger than unlocker.
DOCTUS.ORG Turkish security forum
Bummer. Any other solutions then? My searches have turned up nothing, but then I'm not even too sure what to search on for this.
I think I figured out what happened here. I either only got a partial spybotsd_includes.exe file or the installer or downloader created a 0 byte spybotsd_includes.exe file when it failed to download completely. This would obviously still be allowed to run because it existed with the proper name (which appeared as SPYBOT~1.EXE after 8dot3 short name conversion) and had a .EXE extension, but upon running would fail as I described because it either contained nothing or was corrupted. And the main installer waited because it still saw a SPYBOT~1.EXE process running.
I'm not sure how to address that if the file changes so frequently though. Perhaps the installer could do some sort of file verification or validation on the file after downloading it?
Yup, that did it. In fact, selecting folders is even more efficient since the entire file list appears at once (rather than seeing them "pop in" one at a time like when selecting multiple files). I also notice that when selecting multiple files I occasionally get duplicate entries for the same files, but that doesn't happen with folder selections either.
Just to be clear, the "remember issue" doesn't seem resolved regardless of the error. Knowing it would crash if I tried stopping/restarting, I also tried changing those selections and rebooting cleanly without manually stopping TeaTimer - and even after the clean reboot the settings still reverted back.
It's still there if you select files - but not if you select folders.
But it's not selected by default during installation, so you may not get it if you didn't manually select it then.
Can the "Erase using Spybot-S&D" context menu entry be added to folder selections too?
Also, perhaps consider some consistency between this and the new "Scan using Spybot-Search&Destroy" context menu entry. They should probably both either say "... Spybot-S&D" or "... Spybot-Search&Destroy". I think using the abbreviated "... Spybot-S&D" is cleaner and helps avoid increasing the context menu width.
i have a ?. i have installed beta
do i have to uninstall that before i update to r c.2 or can i install it over beta. also the first beta is working great, no probs.
nope. It's not added to the installer
DOCTUS.ORG Turkish security forum
This is just a usage hint and in no way is it intended to be a criticism. If you use Alt + Print Screen rather than Ctrl + Print Screen, just the active window is copied to the clipboard rather than the entire screen.
md usa spybot fan
Getting an answer is one thing, learning is another.
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition running on a 2.40GHz IntelŪ PentiumŪ 4 Processor with 512 MB of RAM and a 533 MHz System Bus.
TeaTimer issue fixed.
@Always Confused:
Warn on immunizing if browser is open
I must admit that code still wasn't enabled, did so now. Immunization page will, upon showing it the first time in an usage session, tell you which browsers it found open that should be closed instead.
The heuristics are a bit annoyingly aggressive, will improve with time.
Yes, we noticed some graphical glitches with the icons on 98 and ME I think. But decided it was cosmetical only and we wouldn't give up on png quality for those Windows versions (we briefly thought about an additional set of icons, but that would either mean a lot of additional code, or additional need for system resources).
Wow, wouldn't have thought someone would actually like that feature, there's been about no feedback on it at all I think, except for people mixing it up with the Shredder feature, which was the main reason we removed it.
Guess we'll have to give it some thought on how to make it available for those who like it
I think I saw somewhere else that the problem was with the AppData value in the registry path for Shell Folders (sorry that I didn't go into detail, will once I looked deeper into it; there's also a post "somewhere" :D on this forum dealing with it ).
I'll address more of the open things tomorrow, getting late today, but I wrote myself notes to e.g. look at the stats dates, K-Meleon, AppData (FF3) issue...
Just remember, love is life, and hate is living death.
Treat your life for what it's worth, and live for every breath
(Black Sabbath: A National Acrobat)
thanks for your reply,
Thanks PepiMK,
I have 3 computors running on Vista and only one of my computor has a problem for FireFox 3.