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Thread: Can't connect to server?

  1. #61
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default Can't Install S&D

    I was infected by two viruses at once when i was downloading desktop wall paper. My Microsoft Security Essentials picked up: Trojan:Win32/FakeCog & Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar.A These viruses on top of pop ups, blocked me from using Internet Explorer and whenever i went to my firewall page to see if i could turn it on, a fake window appeared. Somehow, after numerous failed attempts Microsoft Security Essentials was able to get rid of them, but I'm still left with a potential new one: Trojan:Win32/Vundo.ME

    There are no more pop ups and I've used my Microsoft Security Essentials several times to see if there were any more viruses but it does not detect anymore. I've gained my firewall window back and everything seems to be working fine, except my Internet Explorer. I use Firefox, but when i opened Internet Explorer it wouldn't work. It just displays as if i were not connected to the internet.

    I'm trying to download Spybot S&D but when i go to install it says it can't connect to server.

    I'm running windows 7 64bit.

  2. #62
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    You could use Firefox to go to this page,and use Save As to save the Spybot installation file to your computer:
    If that works out okay,then when you get to the "Select Components" screen during the installation, uncheck "Download updates immediately".
    Then return to the downloads page with Firefox,and save the manual detection updates to your computer and then run it.
    The manual detection updates are listed similar to this:
    Detection updates© 2010-04-28 - product description

    md5: 985A099E25988C9055968806CEE1DD53

    This updates the detection rules. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.
    If the above doesn't work,or there are continuing problems after running Spybot,you might want to ask for help in malware removal.
    Please read "Before you Post":

    Malware Removal:

  3. #63
    Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Default I'm frustrated and need help...

    I can't seem to get anything to work right anymore. I open spybot, try to update, and it tells me error retrieving update info file. Half of this site won't work for me either! I can't even go through all of the forums to see if anyone else has this problem, it tells me server not found please try again. I don't know what I have now but I'm seriously frustrated. Can anyone please help me? I know this is probably in the wrong spot, I just can't get anywhere else!!!!!
    Last edited by tashi; 2010-05-10 at 07:00. Reason: Added link to malware forum topic

  4. #64
    Junior Member
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jares1234 View Post
    I was infected by two viruses at once when i was downloading desktop wall paper. My Microsoft Security Essentials picked up: Trojan:Win32/FakeCog & Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar.A These viruses on top of pop ups, blocked me from using Internet Explorer and whenever i went to my firewall page to see if i could turn it on, a fake window appeared. Somehow, after numerous failed attempts Microsoft Security Essentials was able to get rid of them, but I'm still left with a potential new one: Trojan:Win32/Vundo.ME

    There are no more pop ups and I've used my Microsoft Security Essentials several times to see if there were any more viruses but it does not detect anymore. I've gained my firewall window back and everything seems to be working fine, except my Internet Explorer. I use Firefox, but when i opened Internet Explorer it wouldn't work. It just displays as if i were not connected to the internet.

    I'm trying to download Spybot S&D but when i go to install it says it can't connect to server.

    I'm running windows 7 64bit.

    I for the past few hours have been experiencing the EXACT same probs metioned here myself, the internet explorer part is all i have managed to understand and put right so far

    1. connect to internet via internet explorer (ofc it loads the cannot connect page)

    2. On that page, click the `TOOLS`tab on top right,

    3. Click `INTERNET OPTIONS` (at very bottom)

    4. On tabs along the top, click `CONNECTIONS`

    5. Then click `LAN SETTINGS` (at bottom again)

    6. Then of the 3 boxes there, make sure bottom/3rd box is UN-CHECKED (no tick) and top/1st box is Checked (ticked), (middle box never changed for me when ~Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar!sys~ rudely entered my life and pc a few hours ago, and remains un-checked, whereas the top and bottom boxes keep getting changed, preventing internet explorer being able to connect to anything as its messing with the Proxy settings somehow, im a tech novice so how its doing that is beyond me, but it is cos after correcting it, after looking the issue up online, it has changed back to the wrong settings again 1-2 times, by itself, just keep creeping back and messing it up, creeping back it is also doing through my Microsoft Serurity Essential Scans too, i think its been detected, cleaned/deleted, at least 3-4 times so far, yet as with the strange internet explorer proxy settings, it comes back now how something gets detected, cleaned/deleted, then pops back, gets deleted the gets detected again in a few hours is beyond my knowledge, but that strange pattern is repeated in the proxy settings on internet explorere to, i correct it, it goes back to all the wrong boxes checked, i fix it.. etc etc)

    This is my 1st virus, that ive had, that hasnt been (like anything previous) a rare `detection and deletionn and job done` from a normally bored and redundant Microsft Security Essentials program on my P.C. I dont get alot of hasstles in that way normally, and it very very rarely ever popped up with problems before, but after just a few hours in the un-wanted company of "Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar!sys" im starting to sense this is a bigger thing altogether, something ive never had to deal with and try look up b4, i think ive found where it was in my system tho, app/data had a file named `xxaimewmp` which the scan results seemed to point this folder and destination out after a scan, so i went and sent it recycling bin, and had a nice couple of hours - `internet explorer proxy and scan warning pop up and alarms ringing` - free, then not really knowing if it WAS the culprit, or a important windows file that i shouldfnt have remmoved, i started to panic, thinking i might mess things up worse with my novice actions of just6 whipping it straight in the bin, so i went to the recycling bin and restored it again, it took all of 30-40 secs, for the scan free proxy setting issue free peace to disappear, and scan warning pop ups and "cannot connect" pages came flooding back.....

    So im here looking up what to do with this "Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar!sys" virus that seems to be in the "xxaimewmp" folder that is once again sat in the recycling bin, however im scared to delete it from there, incase its a folder my system somehow needed, and scared to leave it there as this Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar!sys has caused multiple scans and proxy box ticking in its short few hours since invading my pc (would LOVE to know how i even got Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar!sys in the first place, was on pc when trouble started, had not opened any e-mails all day, andnever do with ones i dont recognises anyhows, have zero P2P apps, no limewire, dont download anything of internet, streaming is far to conveniet for me to bother Dl anything, had been briefly on facebook and rest of time pc was on but i was pottering around house doing housework, so im stumped to how i get a p2p/e-mail worm virus ((lol sound like i know what im talking about, but thats the genius of search engines and forums ive visit, about 3-4 before hitting this post that ticked all the same boxes of issues i was suffering from and wanting to learn from so i know what to do with the dodgy folder still sat in me recycling bin)) in the first place.

    anyone can enlighten me on `Backdoor:Win32/Nuwar!sys` or `xxaimewmp` or what to do with the highly suspect xxaimewmp folder sat in me bin, id really apprieciate it, as would the original poster abover me who im quoting from thier post, as they seem to have the EXACT same issues, and only days b4 i did, so there something foul in the water it seems that we could do with info on b4 every it spreads to all our watering holes!

    Many Thanks,


  5. #65
    Senior Member
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    Hello Allison,

    I would recommend to open a new post the next time, than posting in old ones.

    Please follow the procedure in this link: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance)
    Start your own thread in the Malware Removal Forum where a helper will advise you as soon as available.

    Best regards
    Team Spybot

  6. #66
    Junior Member
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    May 2010


    This is poo

    I am using windows 7 with spybot SD and I can't automatically update, nor can I manually update as I can't connect to the website to download the manual updater.

    Is there a 3rd party location for the manual updater?

    And BTW, why would the automatic updater not work?

  7. #67
    Senior Member
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    This could be due to an infection.
    Please see above post.

    Best regards
    Team Spybot

  8. #68
    Junior Member
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    What if I'm running trend micro security? (although I have it turned off currently)

  9. #69
    Junior Member
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    which post?

  10. #70
    Senior Member
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    This one:

    Quote Originally Posted by spybotsandra View Post
    Hello Allison,

    I would recommend to open a new post the next time, than posting in old ones.

    Please follow the procedure in this link: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance)
    Start your own thread in the Malware Removal Forum where a helper will advise you as soon as available.

    Best regards
    Team Spybot

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