I am downloading the psi program now and have changed the settings in IE. Are you saying that running spybot and teatimer are not enough and I need to install anaother anitvirus program in addition? I will psot the results of psi when it runs.
I am downloading the psi program now and have changed the settings in IE. Are you saying that running spybot and teatimer are not enough and I need to install anaother anitvirus program in addition? I will psot the results of psi when it runs.
Yep, Spybot is actually for antispyware protection while you need antivirus protection too.Are you saying that running spybot and teatimer are not enough and I need to install anaother anitvirus program in addition?
Microsoft Windows Insider MVP 2016-2020
Microsoft MVP Consumer Security 2008-2015
UNITE member since 2006
If you have problems create a thread in the forum, please.
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psi ran clean with nothing to report am downloading the AV now.
which do you prefer antivir or avast??
Both are good options. Final decision is yours
Microsoft Windows Insider MVP 2016-2020
Microsoft MVP Consumer Security 2008-2015
UNITE member since 2006
If you have problems create a thread in the forum, please.
Malware removal instructions are for the correspondent user's case only.
Thanks, I appreciate all of your help with this!!!
You're welcome
Microsoft Windows Insider MVP 2016-2020
Microsoft MVP Consumer Security 2008-2015
UNITE member since 2006
If you have problems create a thread in the forum, please.
Malware removal instructions are for the correspondent user's case only.
Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad I could help.
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Microsoft Windows Insider MVP 2016-2020
Microsoft MVP Consumer Security 2008-2015
UNITE member since 2006
If you have problems create a thread in the forum, please.
Malware removal instructions are for the correspondent user's case only.