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Thread: System Scan won't scan.

  1. #21
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Sorry to hear you had an unexpected hospital stay.

    Is the only problem you're having on your computer Spybot not running the System Scan?Everything else seems normal?

    Could you open Spybot-S&D Start Center,click System Scan,then over to the left,click Show Previous Logs.There should be a bunch of Checks logfiles there with the dates and times at the end of them(it will be named something like this,for an example:Checks.130223-0232.txt)
    Could you scroll down to the Checks logfile with the latest available date,doubleclick it to open it,then go to Edit,Select All.Rightclick the highlighted text,then select Copy,then Paste it here,please.

  2. #22
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    Sorry to hear you had an unexpected hospital stay.

    Is the only problem you're having on your computer Spybot not running the System Scan?Everything else seems normal?

    Could you open Spybot-S&D Start Center,click System Scan,then over to the left,click Show Previous Logs.There should be a bunch of Checks logfiles there with the dates and times at the end of them(it will be named something like this,for an example:Checks.130223-0232.txt)
    Could you scroll down to the Checks logfile with the latest available date,doubleclick it to open it,then go to Edit,Select All.Rightclick the highlighted text,then select Copy,then Paste it here,please.
    As requested, here's the last log. Everything else seems to be running fine:

    Search results from Spybot - Search & Destroy

    2/15/2013 10:05:06 AM
    Scan took 00:14:01.
    22 items found.

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $6AA61750] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\analytics.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-15 08:34:29

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $6AA61750] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\loginCache.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-05 12:46:52

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $6AA61750] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\auth.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-01 16:24:57

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $6AA61750] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\auth2.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-01 17:15:43

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $6AA61750] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\perf.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-01 17:15:31

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $6AA61750] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\videostats.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-15 08:51:15

    Macromedia.FlashPlayer.Cookies: [SBI $1EF45977] Text file (File, nothing done)
    C:\Users\paulmhine\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\2VZADRUH\\#ui\preferences.sol
    Properties.filedatetext=2013-02-13 20:58:10

    Right Media: [SBI $8E73A7FB] Tracking cookie (Internet Explorer (User): paulmhine) (Browser: Cookie, nothing done)

    Internet Explorer: [SBI $1E8157BE] Typed URL list (Registry Key, nothing done)
    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2042559852-2415469099-4157972602-1001\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs

    MS Direct3D: [SBI $7FB7B83F] Most recent application (Registry Change, nothing done)

    MS DirectDraw: [SBI $EB49D5AF] Most recent application (Registry Change, nothing done)

    MS DirectInput: [SBI $9A063C91] Most recent application (Registry Change, nothing done)

    MS DirectInput: [SBI $7B184199] Most recent application ID (Registry Change, nothing done)

    Windows: [SBI $1E4E2003] Drivers installation paths (Registry Change, nothing done)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Installation Sources

    Windows: [SBI $1E4E2003] Drivers installation paths (Registry Change, nothing done)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Installation Sources

    Windows Media SDK: [SBI $37AAEDE6] Computer name (Registry Change, nothing done)
    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2042559852-2415469099-4157972602-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media\WMSDK\General\ComputerName

    Windows Media SDK: [SBI $CAA58B6E] Unique ID (Registry Change, nothing done)
    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2042559852-2415469099-4157972602-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media\WMSDK\General\UniqueID

    Windows Media SDK: [SBI $BACCD0DA] Volume serial number (Registry Value, nothing done)
    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2042559852-2415469099-4157972602-1001\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media\WMSDK\General\VolumeSerialNumber

    Cookie: [SBI $49804B54] Browser: Cookie (38) (Browser: Cookie, nothing done)

    Cache: [SBI $49804B54] Browser: Cache (1150) (Browser: Cache, nothing done)

    History: [SBI $49804B54] Browser: History (865) (Browser: History, nothing done)

    Cookie: [SBI $49804B54] Browser: Cookie (7) (Browser: Cookie, nothing done)

    --- Spybot - Search & Destroy version: DLL (build: 20121113) ---

    2012-11-13 blindman.exe (
    2012-11-13 explorer.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDBootCD.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDCleaner.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDDelFile.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDFiles.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDFileScanHelper.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDFSSvc.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDImmunize.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDLogReport.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDPESetup.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDPEStart.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDPhoneScan.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDPRE.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDPrepPos.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDQuarantine.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDRootAlyzer.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDSBIEdit.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDScan.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDScript.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDSettings.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDShred.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDSysRepair.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDTools.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDTray.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDUpdate.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDUpdSvc.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDWelcome.exe (
    2012-11-13 SDWSCSvc.exe (
    2013-01-24 unins000.exe (51.1052.0.0)
    1999-12-02 xcacls.exe
    2012-08-23 borlndmm.dll (10.0.2288.42451)
    2012-09-05 DelZip190.dll (
    2012-09-10 libeay32.dll (
    2012-09-10 libssl32.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDAdvancedCheckLibrary.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDECon32.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDECon64.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDEvents.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDFileScanLibrary.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDHelper.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDImmunizeLibrary.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDLists.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDResources.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDScanLibrary.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDTasks.dll (
    2012-11-13 SDWinLogon.dll (
    2012-08-23 sqlite3.dll
    2012-09-10 ssleay32.dll (
    2012-11-13 Tools.dll (
    2012-11-13 UninsSrv.dll (
    2012-12-18 Includes\ (*)
    2013-01-22 Includes\ (*)
    2010-08-13 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-12-18 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-21 Includes\ (*)
    2013-01-22 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2013-01-22 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2008-06-03 Includes\ (*)
    2008-06-03 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2011-06-07 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-19 Includes\Tracks.uti (*)
    2013-01-16 Includes\ (*)
    2013-01-17 Includes\ (*)
    2013-01-22 Includes\ (*)
    2013-01-21 Includes\ (*)
    2012-11-14 Includes\ (*)
    2012-12-03 Includes\ (*)
    Last edited by Ptath; 2013-04-11 at 03:53.
    In the beginning was the Shining One, Ptath, god of land, sea and space, on whom be all praise heaped, and countless prayers offered that he may return to his chosen race.

  3. #23
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Thanks for posting your latest Checks logfile.
    Looks like it was standard stuff,just some flash cookies,a few tracking cookies and some usage tracks.

    I tried removing SDScanLibrary.dll or anything else that looked like it might be connected to SDScan.exe from my Spybot - Search & Destroy 2 folder to see if I could get the same italicized results as you,but removing anything resulted in a warning from Spybot that it was missing files.
    I tried removing the Includes,but Spybot will still scan with those gone,it just only takes a few seconds.

    Ending process in Task Manager on SDScan.exe always resulted in the System Scan window closing.

    If anything was preventing SDScan from starting,your booting into safe mode would hopefully prevent that,and it would run.

    I'd ordinarily suspect that it might be some sort of malware stopping SDScan from running,but since your computer was off for nearly a month and everything is acting normal,I am a bit skeptical of that being the problem.

    I also tried opening Remove Temporary files,Disable 3rd Party cookies,etc. both while a scan was running and when it wasn't to see if you might be being prompted by a window hidden behind System Scan,but that always resulted in either Start Scan or Pause scan and Stop scan,still being selectable.
    I don't think this can be the problem,but please do start System Scan and then minimize the System Scan window and the Start Center window to the taskbar,just to be sure.

  4. #24
    Junior Member
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    Zenobia ...

    No hidden windows.

    I tried another uninstall/reinstall via the Control Panel, but all 5 Scan menu items are still italicized. All other Start Center functions run normally.
    In the beginning was the Shining One, Ptath, god of land, sea and space, on whom be all praise heaped, and countless prayers offered that he may return to his chosen race.

  5. #25
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Okay,sorry to hear the reinstall didn't work.
    Since you've tried just about everything,would you like to get checked out in the malware removal forum,just in case it's something hidden?
    They don't ordinarily do checkups in there,but Spybot is a security program,and it's not being able to run could possibly be due to some sort of malware,so it should be okay for you to post in there.

    There are instructions here:

    Malware Removal:
    You could also add a link to this thread in your post.

    If you do go to malware removal,and nothing is found,once you are all done there and your thread is closed,then you can come back here,and we can see if we can think of anything else to try.

  6. #26
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    Okay,sorry to hear the reinstall didn't work.
    Since you've tried just about everything,would you like to get checked out in the malware removal forum,just in case it's something hidden?
    They don't ordinarily do checkups in there,but Spybot is a security program,and it's not being able to run could possibly be due to some sort of malware,so it should be okay for you to post in there.

    There are instructions here:

    Malware Removal:
    You could also add a link to this thread in your post.

    If you do go to malware removal,and nothing is found,once you are all done there and your thread is closed,then you can come back here,and we can see if we can think of anything else to try.
    As you requested, I posted all the required information at that forum. The link is

    I'll post back here when they close that thread.

    Since I also tried a reinstall, unsuccessfully, I also checked out Task Manager after attempting to run a Scan. Yes, the scan utility was there and had the following information:

    Spybot_S&D Scanner Service [32 bit]
    CPU 0%
    Memory 21.8 MB
    Disk 0 MB/s
    Network 0 Mbps

    When I ended the "task", nothing apparently happened. It just went away from the Task Manger. It came back when I tried to start a scan again ... only by closing the Start Center completely since all 5 scan menu items were still italicized.
    In the beginning was the Shining One, Ptath, god of land, sea and space, on whom be all praise heaped, and countless prayers offered that he may return to his chosen race.

  7. #27
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Glad to see you posted in Malware Removal.
    It gets quite busy in there sometimes,so it may be a couple of days before you get a reply,so probably a little bit of a wait.
    And I hope you have a great weekend

  8. #28
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    I did find a little something that might be worth a try,though I'm unsure if it will work or not,where you already tried disabling Webroot SecureAnywhere.
    I can run it by you as soon as shelf life is all done with your thread,if you'd still like to try to get SDScan to run.

  9. #29
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    I did find a little something that might be worth a try,though I'm unsure if it will work or not,where you already tried disabling Webroot SecureAnywhere.
    I can run it by you as soon as shelf life is all done with your thread,if you'd still like to try to get SDScan to run.
    Well, seems like the malware forum could not fix me so, I'll take your suggestion!

    In the beginning was the Shining One, Ptath, god of land, sea and space, on whom be all praise heaped, and countless prayers offered that he may return to his chosen race.

  10. #30
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    It's very doubtful this will work,though,since you've tried starting Spybot while you were in safemode,etc.,and Webroot SecureAnywhere wouldn't be running then,so please don't get your hopes up.

    I did find where a couple of times some programs weren't running when people had Webroot Secureanywhere installed,though.
    The instructions varied.Try these ones,and see if it makes sense:
    Open Webroot SecureAnywhere.
    Click on System Tools on the left-hand side of the software,and then click on "System Control".
    Press the "Start" button under "Control Active Processes".
    Look for Spybot,SDScan.exe,or anything that seems Spybot related,and check to see if it is being monitored or blocked.

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