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Thread: Uninstalling by GPO or silent uninstall.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Uninstalling by GPO or silent uninstall.


    We are thinking about purchasing Spybot for our business. But, we have realized that unknown to our IT team several individual employees have installed the Free version. Now, we realize this goes against the EULA of the Free version and we would like to rectify this and become compliant.

    BUT, we have dozens of systems that users have installed it on. (Apparently, they like it a lot.)
    How can we uninstall silently and suppress any dialog boxes? We have searched extensively and have been unable to find a resolution for the newer versions of Spybot. I would like to ultimately build a GPO that will uninstall it so we can begin the process of purchasing the Business versions.

    I have tried /silent /verysilent /supresssms boxes /no cancel. I have tried wmic. I have tried powershell. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Hello SuperSecret,

    Please request a support ticket, entering a permanent email address, here:

    Best regards.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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