Hi, just thought I'd pop in and give a bit of a heads up .. Not sure if this has been discussed before - couldn't find it in searches but essentially if you're using Kaspersky internet security 2016 and want to immunize items such as telemetry/bing etc, kaspersky will run it's own firewall which is outside of the Anti beacon integration layer.

I've done a few brief tests by blocking Bing and running ping requests with and without Kaspersky's firewall in place.. sure enough, with Kaspersky firewall in place, ping requests to Bing pass through even when Anti Beacon says i'm immunised..However if I disable Kaspersky firewall and run without, ping requests to Bing get blocked with the standard 'general failure' ..

I imagine this will be the case for all telemetry hosts and IP blocks enabled by Anti Beacon if they're using the same method internally... I've used bing as an easy example ..Not exactly a comprehensive test i know but enough to get a flavour..

is there a way of integrating the Anti Beacon immunisation for hosts etc into Kaspersky (i.e. a firewall rule-set that could be downloaded ) ?
