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Thread: Recurring pop-up BitFefender Threat Scanner errors

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Default Spybot 2.6.46 Shutdown pop up Bitdender Thread Scanner error

    I have installed Spybot 2.6.46 over my previous installation which I had version 2.4 updated with the postwin10.exe file. All updates installed this way and have always got the program to update from the bottom up.
    Every time I shutdown my Windows 10 Pro 64 bit edition with the Windows Creators Update I get a pop up about Bitdefender Thread Scanner. Sometimes I get the error A problem has occurred in Bitdefender Thread Scanner. A file containing error information has been created at C:Windows\TEMP\Bitdefender Thread Scanner.dmp. You are strongly encouraged to send the file to the developers of the application for further investigation of the error.
    After several attempts to fix this with replacing the SDAV.dll which is stated on the website it is exactly the same size and even when replaced the error still occurs.
    Can a fix please be made for this please as this is very frustrating especially from a program I have used for years without any issues.
    The uninstall does not even work properly so I have forcefully removed and reinstalled without success either.
    I run my own business and always recommend Spybot and install it only to find this issue.
    Hopefully a solution can be found soon. Please can this be fixed as I am not the only person to experience this now.
    So far just within 3 days I have seen this 4 times on different machines all running Windows 10 Creators Update edition.
    Anything I can do to help please ask. Thank you.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Default Spybot 2.6.46 Shutdown pop up Bitdefender Thread Scanner error

    Having updated Spybot 2.5 to 2.6.46 I keep getting the reoccurring error on my Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Creators Update edition stating there is a problem with the Bitdefender Thread Scanner on shutdown and various other messages stating the Bitdefender thread scanner.dmp file needs to be sent off etc...
    Having used Spybot for years this error is very frustrating and needs to be addressed. Replacing the DSAV.dll file which is exactly the same in the programs files (x86) spybot folder does nothing whatsoever as recommended by fixes posted on the forum.
    Please can this error please be fixed?
    I have tried everything from uninstalling to reinstalling forcefully as the uninstall routine has been altered so the process is not smooth without this constant error popping up.
    Nothing from installing back to 2.4 will get rid of this rather annoying error which also stops my machine from shutting down properly.
    I am new to here so hopefully my post will be displayed as my last one was not showing up.
    Thank you.

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2017


    Hi tk2017,

    When you say it stops your machine shutting down properly, do you mean it displays the error but does eventually shut down, or that it actually never shuts down unless you physically turn it off.

    Reason for asking is since my last post, I've been wondering if perhaps the fast Start-up option in win 10's power settings is a factor in this error. Despite it's name which implies it's affecting the start-up, windows achieves the fast start-up by actually altering how the machine shuts down, (i.e. kind of hibernates it instead of actually shutting it down). Personally I have this setting set to off, and my thoughts are that this error may/may not show if it's set to on, but also after reading your post, perhaps yours is set to on, and it's actually worse if it's set to on. Anyway just thinking out loud on this aspect, won't really help fix the error but may help safer-networking narrow down factors contributing to it.

    I've since uninstalled the latest version, I got a couple of BSOD errors which were known to be caused by anti-virus issues among other things and so I went for the likely suspect since other scans showed no problems. Also haven't had any BSOD's since uninstalling and never had any in Win 10 prior to installing it either. Perhaps this is a coincidence, perhaps not, either way I'm boycotting version 2.6.46.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Got the same problem, reported it to the SupportTeam, got a ticketnumber, got a mail about the assigned ticketnumber, tried to answer to that mail, but that was not accepted, and that's it. Didn't hear anything anymore, don't know how to look into the item corresponding the ticketnumber to have a look at the status.
    Compared SDAV.dll in V2.6 with the one downloaded from 'missing files', no difference whatsoever. Yet replace the original SDAV with the downloaded one, but of course that did not solve the problem
    So for now I stopped the scannerservice and unchecked the on-boot option. The BitDefender error has vanished, but that is not the purpose of the program, I believe.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    The BitDefender error seems not to be vanished, duringshutdown my system this morning it was back again.


  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    Default Spybot 2.6.46 Bitdefender Scanner Error

    After much annoyance from constant errors on shutdown about this error and my machine taking much longer than it should to shut down I have uninstalled.
    I have used Spybot for years without any issues and it seems such a shame that the latest version has done this.
    I shall try putting 2.4 back on and update this way which does not automatically take you to 2.6.46
    It was working fine until I updated so hopefully this will correct the problem otherwise I shall be forced to Malware bytes instead.
    The uninstall does not work without the error also popping up but after resetting the program is not running but several folders left behind only.
    I have done a clear up of these.

  7. #17
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcel6969 View Post
    The BitDefender error seems not to be vanished, duringshutdown my system this morning it was back again.

    Yeah I had the same issue, disabling the service start on reboot, caused the startup type of the service to change from automatic to manual (in windows services view), but it would still start (presumably due to one of the other services running). I tried setting it to disabled via services and then stopped the service manually, which naturally produced the error, and then when I tried to log off (so I could get rid of the error box) My system started to do it but locked up and never got me back to the log-on screen. When I rebooted, the service startup setting was still set to manual, and the service was running, and upon checking to see what happened with my system, there was a log for a BSOD (KERNAL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR), although I got no actual blue screen, but the log time corresponded with the time of the event. Anyway I set it to disabled again, only I left the service running this time, and then about an hour later I got a proper BSOD (UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION, no log was created for this one). When the system automatically timed out and attempted to re-boot from that BSOD, I got a bios error message saying it couldn't boot from the specified drive as it wasn't a boot drive. After manually switching off the system and turning it back on, the drive light lit up (unlike a few moments ago) and windows booted. The service was back to manual startup & running again. After reading a bit about the latest BSOD, as that sequence of events had me thinking the worst, turns out it's actually kind of normal behavior for that error type and one of the causes mentioned was anti-virus software, so I decided to uninstall 2.6.46, and reverted to 2.4 and everything has been fine since.

  8. #18
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    Default Recurring pop-up BitFefender Threat Scanner errors

    The only solution I have found that keeps Spybot working is uninstalling 2.6.46 completely and deleting all the folders and registry entries left behind.
    Reinstall 2.4 only and update but do not run Post Win10 Spybot-install.exe as it will just update back to 2.6.46 and there error will be back again.
    Hopefully a fix for this will be found soon and everyone will just have to keep an eye out for 2.6.47 or 2.7 or whatever they decide to call it.
    I'm not really certain if 2.4 works properly on Windows 10 hence why the 2.5/2.6/2.6.46 updates have been released but when it is running it appears to be working as it should do.
    When you go to download 2.4 it states it is for Windows XP and Vista now which is not entirely true.
    I just wish they had tested this properly as clearly this happens every time and I have done fresh installs and it always happens on Windows 10 with 2.6.46.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    I've just started to have the same problem. This is with Spybot v2.6.46.

    I've checked the SDAV.dll file that is installed with the SDAV.dll from and they are the same:

    SHA-512: US Secure Hash Algorithm:
    Could we please get an update on this problem.

  10. #20
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    If any of you guys are using the free edition, then Marcel just posted a solution he got from support here.

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