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Thread: Newly Assigned as Family IT & Am Lost Pt 1

  1. #1
    Junior Member Lone_Wolf_78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Default Newly Assigned as Family IT & Am Lost Pt 1

    Am used to being up late & long but I thought all that was over when I started driving truck. Somewhat of a Gen X & just naturally curious is how I wound up in this current situation. Family is either in their mid to late 60's or are the impatient "Zombies" of the Smart Tech Age (don't want to date or insult anyone ) So anyway Beast is a All in 1 from Acer & was brand new back in 2010 yet still is able to run Windows 10 x64 bit with the dreaded 1709 upgrade & I have been TRYING to keep it at least online. Was my 1st EVER computer of my own & fresh out of the box so we are kind of emotionally & sentimentally attached now This has lead to me being the "unofficial IT" for the Family now.

    I have some skills & just my natural curiosity has given me some knowledge AND since it usually involves my BEAST, of course I have to be involved. This of course means I have all sorts of portables & software coming across my screen or desk or just needing to be connected to BEAST. Which is how I wound up with this Professional Edition of Spybot S & D v after a few devices recently connected began to act even crazier afterwards. Rather than buying several programs I thought this would suffice to solve anything current & clean up whatever the Family may have accidentally/incidentally given us.

    As per my Heading, I am now lost. After 14 hours' of running the various other scanners' prior to Spybot, I have managed to accomplish 3 things so far: Write my own SCBI? code (but no idea how to activate the program or save it now) ; Start the Scanner for ONLY 1 MODULE at a time to run ; Main Initial Scan reaches 99.7% THEN just stalls out for a few hours' at a time.

    Frankly any Admin or Moderator or just Member with some advice for a few things besides what ever it is I need to do to solve the problem of not being able to pass 99.7% right now would be welcome PLEASE!! As a Driver I am Scan Results.180407-1600.txtused to some crazy hours' yet don't expect anyone to rush for me as I may be on the road at the time you reply anyway. So as you can & within the same time limit's I have seen the various "Tech's" on here (forgive me if I don't know the difference of an Admin or a Moderator here) give those who they have offered help & advice to.

    Search results from Spybot - Search & Destroy

    2018-04-07 4:00:52 PM
    Scan took 15:21:18.
    0 items found.

    --- Spybot - Search & Destroy version: DLL (build: 20170523) ---

    2017-05-23 blindman.exe (
    2018-01-05 enableKB4056892.exe (
    2017-05-23 explorer.exe (
    2018-04-07 sd2-installer.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDBootCD.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDCleaner.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDDelFile.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDFiles.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDFileScanHelper.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDFSSvc.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDHelp.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDHookHelper.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDHookInst32.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDHookInst64.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDImmunize.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDLogReport.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDOnAccess.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDPESetup.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDPEStart.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDPhoneScan.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDPRE.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDPrepPos.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDQuarantine.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDRootAlyzer.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDSBIEdit.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDScan.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDScript.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDSettings.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDShell.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDShred.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDSysRepair.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDTools.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDTray.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDUpdate.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDUpdSvc.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDWelcome.exe (
    2017-05-23 SDWSCSvc.exe (
    2018-04-07 unins000.exe (51.1052.0.0)
    1999-12-02 xcacls.exe
    2012-08-23 borlndmm.dll (10.0.2288.42451)
    2012-09-05 DelZip190.dll (
    2017-06-08 DelZip192.dll (
    2017-05-12 libeay32.dll (
    2012-09-10 libssl32.dll (
    2017-05-23 NotificationSpreader.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDAdvancedCheckLibrary.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDAV.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDECon32.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDECon64.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDEvents.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDFileScanLibrary.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDHook32.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDHook64.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDImmunizeLibrary.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDLicense.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDLists.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDResources.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDScanLibrary.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDTasks.dll (
    2017-05-23 SDWinLogon.dll (
    2017-05-12 sqlite3.dll
    2017-05-12 ssleay32.dll (
    2017-05-23 Tools.dll (
    2018-02-22 Includes\
    2015-08-05 Includes\
    2018-04-04 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2010-08-13 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2016-11-16 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2014-01-09 Includes\
    2017-01-30 Includes\
    2014-03-31 Includes\
    2016-07-06 Includes\
    2012-11-14 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2018-04-04 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2014-01-08 Includes\
    2014-01-08 Includes\
    2016-05-27 Includes\
    2017-12-27 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2015-06-25 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2016-06-14 Includes\
    2016-11-07 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2014-02-26 Includes\
    2014-01-09 Includes\
    2018-04-04 Includes\
    2014-01-13 Includes\
    2013-12-23 Includes\
    2014-11-14 Includes\
    2017-06-14 Includes\
    2017-05-03 Includes\
    2018-04-04 Includes\
    2012-11-14 Includes\
    2014-01-07 Includes\
    2014-01-08 Includes\
    2017-09-27 Includes\
    2014-01-21 Includes\
    2014-01-21 Includes\
    2015-11-11 Includes\
    2015-05-06 Includes\
    2018-01-03 Includes\
    2014-01-21 Includes\
    2014-01-21 Includes\
    2011-06-07 Includes\
    2012-11-19 Includes\Tracks.uti
    2017-06-28 Includes\
    2014-01-15 Includes\
    2017-10-25 Includes\
    2016-01-20 Includes\
    2014-01-15 Includes\
    2014-03-19 Includes\
    2015-03-31 Includes\
    2017-12-01 Includes\
    2014-07-09 Includes\
    2014-07-09 Includes\
    2018-04-04 Includes\
    2014-01-15 Includes\
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    2016-02-03 Includes\
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    2014-01-16 Includes\
    2014-01-09 Includes\
    Last edited by tashi; 2018-04-08 at 23:50. Reason: Copy pasted log into topic which was moved from the RootAlyzer forum

  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Write my own SCBI? code
    Do you mean you wrote your own malware detections, as in an .sbi file, like as shown here?
    If so, that's a bit beyond me, so I probably won't be able to help with that. Perhaps it would be best to put that aside until later.

    Could you clarify what you mean by one module at a time running?

    For the scan going to 99.7% then stalling, you could try a Most Active Malware scan, and see what happens. Rightclick the Spybot start center, select Run As Administrator, checkmark Advanced User Mode, click Settings, select the Categories tab, and somewhere within the Malware Detection window, rightclick and select Most Active Malware Scan, click Apply and OK, then try another System Scan. Please let me know if that one completes.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Lone_Wolf_78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Default Trying to Solve Spybot incompleteness

    For clarification I used the SCBI Editor (I believe it is) to TRY to write as per your link @Zenobia. Thought it was supposed to create a form of a custom scan & would speed up the whole process. Guess I got ahead of myself Still I would like to learn to do so properly if possible. So far have not been able to save it within Spybot...
    As for the "single modules", I was trying to reference the various scan's & features of this program during my original post. Immunization, Update, Task Schedule, Whitelist, etc. Those were all the modules I could run without any real difficulty. Yet was trying to keep it as simple & yet straight forward as I could for any help that might be coming.
    Never knew or saw anything about the Most Active Malware scan! Am curious now as to what else might be hidden from plain sight once I have it all setup properly. I tried also sending a Support Ticket this weekend & so far beyond the automated response I got this new standalone? beacon to add to my education. It run's just fine as far as I can tell. Both Avira & Windows 10 Firewall blocked it for a time until I finally found the way to allow it through. Somehow missed the fact that the Avira antivirus version I have has a Firewall as well according to their Tech Support email I got Friday night. Have not yet had a chance to tamper with it or try your scan yet. Tonight hopefully I get further than my original posting now

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I looked on the Spybot website and gathered any links I could find on writing your own custom detection rules for you, if you haven't read them as yet. You'd probably want to look at the wiki first, that seems to have the most info:
    There is also an Open SBI page in the knowledgebase:
    The forum section hasn't had posts for a few years, but it would be good to look at for info, too, I figure. Or you could ask questions:
    Hope that helps a little. Keep at it, you'll get it.

    As for the "single modules", I was trying to reference the various scan's & features of this program during my original post. Immunization, Update, Task Schedule, Whitelist, etc. Those were all the modules I could run without any real difficulty. Yet was trying to keep it as simple & yet straight forward as I could for any help that might be coming.
    Thanks for clarifying. Most new users don't know that the various scans and features are called modules, so I wanted to be sure that was what you meant. (Well done, btw.)

    Since you opened a Support Ticket, I'll bow out and leave you with them from here on out, so they can do their thing and it won't be confusing if they say to try one thing and I say to try another.
    Never knew or saw anything about the Most Active Malware scan! Am curious now as to what else might be hidden from plain sight once I have it all setup properly.
    After you're done with Spybot support, feel free to post back after you're done if you would like to, and I could tell you about some of the various things that usually take a while to find.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Lone_Wolf_78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Default Problem Resolved Now

    A kind thanks for the information & the willingness to help @Zenobia

    This issue in regards to the original Post has been resolved now.

    Am going to try to keep the links supplied so that if I need I have some reference material meantime for the Learning aspects still ahead. Especially now that I have the full version I paid for & uncorrupted so ALL of the Spybot program was installed & fully operational

  6. #6
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    You're very welcome. Glad the problem was resolved.

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