nickW* In remembrance

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Member of Team Spybot
Last Sunday morning, one of our most loyal contributors died.

nickW - as a big privacy advocate, she preferred to be identified only by nickname in public.

She has been an official French translator of Spybot for 14 years and was one of the most friendly, reliable and wholehearted people to work with.

The whole team mourns and expresses its sincere condolences to the family and her friends.

We will all miss her.
Last Sunday morning, one of our most loyal contributors died.
The whole team mourns and expresses its sincere condolences to the family and her friends.

We will all miss her.
Ditto and aye she will be sorely missed indeed, RIP lass...
I was unable to notify you immediately because of my login which disappeared when it was dating back to the very beginning. I was obliged to create a new one.

The site Assiste ( and our Forum are in mourning.

nickW left us on Sunday, January 29th, in the morning. She had been fighting for years against a cancer, the foul beast.

She was a friend before being the chief moderator of our forums and probably the best assistant in the world when we practiced decontamination (we have definitely turned to prevention for a few years).

nickW had countless activities and skills and was involved at a high level on countless websites and forums.

She has been the official translator to French of the Spybot software and the Safer Networking site from the beginning.

I am particularly affected by this disappearance.

Countless assistants (helpers) have known her for years, even without realizing it, with all her editorials and official translations, sometimes under copyright, of countless softwares and tools, sites and services.

She was one of the pillars on which security was built.

Founder and administrator of and forums of
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