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Scan Doesn't Show Results Anymore


New member
I have the system scan to run on a schedule. It does that and pops up on my screen.
But it used to show the results when it's done scanning, so I can 'fix' them. Now it just disappears, and I don't even know if it completed the scan.

Also can I get the window to scan in the background but pop up the window for the results list only?
(Instead of immediately popping up on screen on scan start. I want it to pop up on scan end instead.)
The Scheduled Scan usually has "Closes when no malware was found" checkmarked in the Schedule tab. So what might have been happening with your scan before was that Spybot found items to be fixed and it displayed them, and the last few times there was nothing to be fixed so there was no results window.
You can clear that checkmark if you'd like to by rightclicking Spybot, selecting Run As Administrator, click Settings, select the Schedule tab, remove the checkmark from "Closes when no malware was found".

Now right below that, you can checkmark Silent(do not show progress to user). Click Apply and OK.
I think unchecking "Closes when no malware was found" and then checkmarking "Silent(do not show progress to user)" might get Spybot to scan in the background without popping up on start, and then popup onscreen at the end of the scan as you'd like it to. However, I've searched extensively and cannot find it for sure. But you could try it and let me know how it goes. :)
On a second look, checkmarking "Silent (do not show progress to user)" does automatically add the parameter /autoclose to the scheduled scan as well as /silent, which means Spybot likely closes when it is done, so that might not be the option you are looking for. /autoclose is probably needed so the Spybot scan doesn't stay hanging around in the background, so I'd be hesitant to clear that parameter manually through scheduled tasks.
You're very welcome. :)
I couldn't find an available parameter in the help file that seemed like it would pop up the scan results. It's possible one of the parameters does that and I'm missing it, or that there's an available parameter for your version of Spybot and I didn't find it on the website, though. You could ask Team Spybot if a parameter like that is available, if you like. There's a contact form here: