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Fixed Bug Scheduled Task in 5.1 not working


Software Version
Fixed in Software Version
Operating System
Windows 11 (64 bit)
Hello. I just received the Division by zero error and crash, but I see it is being addressed in another thread.

The main reason I came here today is I notice after updating from anti-beacon 4.1 to 5.1 (Plus), I no longer have a splash screen on boot. In 4.1 I got a splash screen while anti-beacon loaded immunizers and checked for updates, which informed me the program did it's job. There are enabled entries in Autoruns for \Safer-Networking Ltd\Spybot Anti-Beacon\x64\Spybot3AntiBeaconService.exe and \Safer-Networking Ltd\Spybot Anti-Beacon\Spybot3AntiBeacon.exe. This is on Win 11 24H2. Thank you.
The short splash is caused by a Scheduled Task. If you check the Settings, one of the first entries should be "Re-immunize at each Logon". Make sure that is checked :)
I too have just updated to 5.1 and do not get the splash screen. When I check the status in "Windows Task Scheduler" the last run result is (0xC0000135). See attached file. Thank you.


  • Anti-beacon 5.1.PNG
    Anti-beacon 5.1.PNG
    23.9 KB · Views: 4
The short splash is caused by a Scheduled Task. If you check the Settings, one of the first entries should be "Re-immunize at each Logon". Make sure that is checked :)
Hello PepiMK. Yes, the first two settings are on but I never see a screen to show the startup like I did in v. 4.1. Thanks for your attention.


  • antibeacset.png
    50.7 KB · Views: 3
Thanks for posting the status code of the scheduled task. 0xc0000135 means STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND. That gives me an idea of where to look.
I've got a temporary solution for you until we fix this inside the software!
  1. From the Start Menu, open Task Scheduler.
  2. Locate the folder Safer-Networking\Spybot Anti-Beacon in the tree on the left.
  3. Right-click the entry Refresh Spybot Anti-Beacon... and choose Properties from the context menu.
  4. Switch to tab Actions.
  5. Click the Edit button after selecting the only entry in the list.
  6. From the Program/Script field, copy the value to the Start In field. Remove the enclosing quotes and the filename Spybot3AntiBeacon.exe at the end.
Now to an explanation: Anti-Beacon uses external library files (DLLs), and two of them, sqlite3.dll and lz4_2.dll , are failing to be loaded. We seem to be too strict in trying to prevent DLL hijacking and will check the code to load the files correctly while maintaining the security level. Will update as soon as a fix is made.
We have applied two fixes now. Number one is that the Scheduled Task will have the execution path set, as described in our work around above. Fix two is that the two libraries referencing the two files above have been updated to be loaded dynamically. Both are open source and changes will be passed on to their maintainers.

I'll provide a preview version with these changes applied, and we'll discuss a release of the fixes on our next weekly release meeting :)
We have applied two fixes now. Number one is that the Scheduled Task will have the execution path set, as described in our work around above. Fix two is that the two libraries referencing the two files above have been updated to be loaded dynamically. Both are open source and changes will be passed on to their maintainers.

I'll provide a preview version with these changes applied, and we'll discuss a release of the fixes on our next weekly release meeting :)
This method worked fine, I'll be watching for the permanent fix/update. Thank you.