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2007-09-16, 22:18
Well, after reading a few hundred posts about different problems, and spending a LOT of time trying to find the solutions to them, I thought this thread is way past due.

SO, The only posts to this thread should be SOLUTIONS to known problems.

And perhaps the Mods could make this a sticky...........z

2007-09-16, 22:22
Apparently AVG and Spybot have some issues.

I solved my SD running slow problem by disabling Resident Shield of AVG. Right click on the icon in control panel, click properties and uncheck 'Turn on AVG Resident Shield Protection'.

Now start SD and it might run faster for you.

Apparently there is some other reason dealing with some adv.dll but I'm not going to go through hundreds of posts trying to find out what it is, and what to do with it.........z

2007-09-16, 23:04
Ok back in January there was an issue with slow scanning. The fix was a new advcheck.dll file. Currently I show a date of 8-31-2007 for this dll, so it's been addressed in the new versions/updates.

However if you are running 1.4 or earlier, you might check out this from a post dated 1-17-2007:

The problem is fixed and being beta tested now. If you like to see if this fix works properly on your system:

* Download the following file:
o http://www.safer-networking.org/file...eck151test.zip ...........this link is no longer valid.
* Extract (unzip) the advcheck.dll from the advcheck151test.zip file.
* Copy the extrated advcheck.dll file to the following directory (folder):
o C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy

There is an alternative. You can download the same beta test file (advcheck.dll) using Spybot's integrated update facility:

* Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Settings.
* Page down the option tree until you see a section titled "Web update" (just past half way down).
* In the "Web update" section check the following option:
o Display available beta versions.
* Click Spybot-S&D (left pane).
* Click Search for Updates (right pane).
* When the list of available updates appears, check the following item:
o ßAdvanced detection library 1.5.1 - !Advanced detection routines update (293 KB) - 2007-01-16
* Click Download Updates.
* When the download of ßAdvanced detection library (advcheck.dll) completes, Spybot-Search & Destroy will terminate and restart so that the new advcheck.dll is loaded.


md usa spybot fan
2007-09-17, 00:00
What version an update level if Spybot are you rinning? Please go into Spybot > Help > About, and post the following :
Spybot - Search & Destroy ???
Latest detection update: ???

2007-09-17, 06:16
After upgrading from SpyBot 1.4 to SpyBot 1.5, I noticed that my "Tutorial" shortcut (i.e., Start, Programs, Spybot - Search & Destroy, Tutorial) no longer brought up the tutorial directly. Rather, it went to the top of the help document from which the tutorial could then be selected. I found that adding the following link (in the "Target" text box) as the "argument" (separated by a space) to an Internet Explorer shortcut (for example) will bring up the tutorial directly in its own IE window: mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Spybot%20-%20Search%20&%20Destroy\Help\English.chm::/html/tutorial.html

Other similar links can be added to an IE shortcut (whose first part in the "Target text box" is something like: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE") -- just start with a copy of an IE shortcut, rename it to something descriptive that suits you, and finally (in the "Target" text box) add a space and then paste in the URL that can be found by right-clicking a link in the SpyBot help file. For example, while reading the tutorial, there's a link to "usage track" under the "Decisions on exceptions" section. Right-click on "usage track," click "Properties" in the context menu, and drag over the entire address (URL) (even the part that may not show) as given in the dialog box by starting at the "mk:" and dragging with a downward-and-to-the-right motion. When the entire link is selected, copy it with "Ctrl+C" and then paste it in with "Ctrl+V" as mentioned above! The "usage track" link in this example is: mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Spybot%20-%20Search%20&%20Destroy\Help\English.chm::/html/usagetracks.html :)

Using the method described above will let you create as many shortcuts as you'd like to whatever sections of the SpyBot help files (any of the .chm files in the "Help" subfolder) happen to interest you!

2007-09-17, 18:33
Actually the Tutorial link should even execute language.chm::/html/tutorial.html.

But the link actually works when I just tried! No idea would it wouldn't for you, but the HTML help often seems to be a bit spooky (we usually work on network drives, where Microsofts security policy prohibits to open them at all unless one reduces security a bit).