View Full Version : How do I stop msn style popups in spybot?

2008-05-11, 05:45
I currently have a virus (working on removing it) and it is constantly trying to edit the registry, so spybot blocks it. But when it blocks it, a msn style popup appears on the bottom right and keeps moving up the screen.

Just wondering if there is a way to stop the popups?

2008-05-11, 06:06
You said you were "working" on the virus? Can you explain in more detail about the infection? What did the "MSN" pop-up look like? Do you use MSN? Do you use Spybot-SD?

2008-05-11, 06:29
I currently have a virus (working on removing it) and it is constantly trying to edit the registry, so spybot blocks it. But when it blocks it, a msn style popup appears on the bottom right and keeps moving up the screen.

Just wondering if there is a way to stop the popups?

I would suggest you post in the malware removal forum since you know you are infected.

Before you post read this:


Then post here:


Click new thread to post. :)

2008-05-11, 11:14
I said working on it as in trying to remove it. But that wasn't my problem.
(Forget I mentioned the virus ;))
Every time Spybot blocks something from editing the registry .etc it makes a popup in the bottom right hand corner, kind of like what msn does:


I was wondering if there was a way to disable the little popup from showing every time Spybot blocks something.

2008-05-11, 17:14
Can you explain to me exactly what the "virus" is? From how I see it, msconfig is attempting to put itself into the startup. Have you recently "run" msconfig? When you run that, basically you can enable and disable start-up items. From how I see it now, you're not letting it do so.

Answer my question? What is this "virus" you're talking about. Maybe we can solve this problem without going to the Malware Forums.

2008-05-11, 17:19
I was wondering if there was a way to disable the little popup from showing every time Spybot blocks something.

Sorry. I did not read your last sentence. Basically, you can undo this action. Right click the TeaTimer icon and click on settings. Basically, there are 4 tabs. Look for "msconfig" in the of the tabs and double click on the X icon next to it. It would be like Spybot-SD "forgetting" that decision.

2008-05-11, 19:28
it indicates if you have chose allow or deny with the "popup" The popup should only show up once after you select allow or deny in the message teatimer gaves you. There is not a way to keep the popup from happening because it is telling you the decision you have made. If you keep getting the same popup telling you the exact same thing, you are probably running version 1.4. version 1.4 had a forgetful issue with teatimer and forgot that the messages were something it has already told you. Upgrade to the latest version and you will stop getting the same exact popup. You could always disable teatimer for good and get rid of the protection with the popups. If you don't know how, let me know.