View Full Version : Distributed Testing, updated to 1.6 and leaving beta status

2008-06-13, 12:15
As per our news announcement here (http://www.safer-networking.org/index.php?page=news&detail=2008-06-13), we've updated the Spybot-S&D Distributed Testing Client to version 1.6.

Download: in download portal (http://forums.spybot.info/downloads.php?id=19)

Next to the updated main application version, we've also added an option to allow you to view any of your scan results through your User CP right here on the forum, on a new My Scans (http://forums.spybot.info/userscans.php) page. This obviously only works if you've provided the email address during setup that you've used to register here, otherwise the forum won't be able to recognize you.

Running as a service in the background, you won't even notice it, but if you want to see what it has done and is doing, you can open a console with details.

Your help will be appreciated :)

original beta announcement
technical background

Skip Da Shu
2008-06-30, 06:40
Very initial runs... looks like it's playing OK with BOINC, WinXP Pro, 32b, on X3210 quad. I have another Windoze machine I can put this on if this one goes smoothly for a couple days. That one would be good as it's owned by my wife "The grand poo-baa of Virus and Spyware collection".


PS: very minor bug... The 'About' button on the console goes straight to UPDATE instead of showing the about box with the 'Update' button first.

2008-06-30, 22:28
Looks nice,
would be nice to understand better what does what.
Don't yet know what this 100% does but hopefully soon I'll understand more :laugh:

2008-07-04, 08:36

i have not found any configuration for proxy-server. Uses the client the internet explorer configuration to connect to the internet?
I'm not sure wether the client has a connection to the server.



2008-07-08, 20:12

There is a small mistake with the french language. When I opened Sb&D to search an update it's write in english !! :blink::blink::blink:;):laugh::bigthumb:

2008-07-09, 21:07
Thanks for the correction but... Yes I am french and there is a but... :)
It will be better to have for "Search For Update" only "Mises à Jour". Like that the text will be completely legible. Thanks !:)

2008-07-13, 19:34
The icone closed to the clock is in english too !:santa:

2008-07-25, 21:16

i have not found any configuration for proxy-server. Uses the client the internet explorer configuration to connect to the internet?
I'm not sure wether the client has a connection to the server.



Proxy server would be for updates.

You can manually set the proxy server by using (make sure you are in "advanced" mode"): Settings > Settings > look for "automation" > "Web Update" > "Use proxy to connect to Update Server".

Tick and enter appropriate host and port (If the browser uses a proxy this info would be in the Tools > Options (depending upon your browser).

2008-08-06, 20:40
I am trying to convert to 1.6.0 but it isnt working. says there is a file error, (5) and is denying access. I am attempting to download it again from this site itself

2008-08-07, 12:35
I´m trying to use the software behind a proxy.
How can I configure this program to work behind a proxy?
I can´t find any settings for proxy in this program.

The normal program S&D is working fine behind the firewall/proxy
(Settings in Adv.Mode).

2008-08-08, 21:31
No matter for the one an hour to run setting, my first experience with this tool is that it runs constantly, no mattter what setting is used. My CPU claims 47% usage for this program without let up. Stopping the service is the only way to stop it's activity. This is so different from expectations and no one else is complaining about this---I must be mucking something up.

My Rig is an HP portable, Core Duo 1.8 MGHz, 4 Mg Memory, 4 Mg Secondary Cache. This is the first program that makes my mouse jerk because it is so demanding. My operating system is Vista Ultimate 64 Bit which may be the problem.:sad: May I have some suggestions please. I like to help in the project, but I can't afford this situation.

Thank you.

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-08, 22:45

No matter for the one an hour to run setting, my first experience with this tool is that it runs constantly, no mattter what setting is used. My CPU claims 47% usage for this program without let up.
Have you had success with other Spybot products with the exception of the "Distributed Testing" facility?

2008-08-09, 02:00

Have you had success with other Spybot products with the exception of the "Distributed Testing" facility?

Indeed I have! They are all top notch. I have past experience with seti. If I can get your program to work as well as seti, I won't be bothered and I can contribute greatly.

Thanks for asking.

2008-08-21, 16:40
HI, I just updted my Spybot and the updates ended up installing the version of the software. I went thru installation fine. I did the Immunize fine. But, when I went to run Search and Destroy/check for Problems, it comes back with a error window saying "you need to install detection updates first by using the integrated update or the manual updater". I hit the Update button, it searches, and says no new updates are available. So, I'm stuck in the loop of not being able to run Check for Problems. I'm not sure what 'Integrated Update' is compared to 'Manual Updater' and find no immediate info on that. I assume Integrated is the local button Update. I did reboot the pc, and still the same. So, Im stuck.

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-21, 17:33
wmbros (Dan):

The "Integrated Update" is the Update within Spybot.

A manual update updates just the detection rules. You can try that to see if it corrects your problem.

To do a manual update, download and execute the manual detection update file (spybotsd_includes.exe) from the following Web page:
Downloads - The home of Spybot-S&D!
The item is:
Detection updates© 2008-08-20 - product description
md5: 4D7D12B7DC1233037DC54C7119C92DFD

This updates the detection rules. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.
The direct download link for the spybotsd_includes.exe file is:

2008-10-10, 23:55
I've got completely different Question, when will be:
S&D, Regalyser, Filealyser, SDDT, Runalyser will be intgrated into one product? 2.0?http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/ph34r.gif

I'm especially looking forward to the time that SDDT & A new S&D will be integrated into 1 package http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/Snorkle.gifhttp://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/police.gif

Another - basicly stupid - Question:
If A 1 or 2 appears on the "my scans" pages what does that mean?
That A F/p is found, or that the test actually found A malware key/program, on my pc? (I can't remember what the actual purpose of it is, since I actually read it but can't seem to remember http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/spider.gif

2008-10-20, 18:54
Why shoul they be all in one package?
98% of all users are not interested in RegAlyzer and FileAlyzer I guess ;)

RunAlyzer will be part of 2.0, depending on this milestone (http://forums.spybot.info/projectmilestone.php?milestoneid=2).

The general 2.0 milestone can be found here (http://forums.spybot.info/projectmilestone.php?do=issuelist&milestoneid=3). Most items on that list are currently hidden, but progressing fast, I do think that there will be something to see this year still ;)

SDDT probably won't get integrated. Think about privacy. Regular users might not understand the full meaning of this feature, and would not understand what's transmitted there.

If you see results counts, yes, they are most likely F/Ps. That's mhy we have SDDT ;) Sometimes possibly even intentional, when our detectives try to trigger some. If it would be a real infection and you've specified an emal address, you would receive an email :)

2008-10-21, 00:55
okidoki, that's cleared up then.. http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/animated/present.gif

Another real off-topic question: why's it so that I can't use any forum codes in A normal manner? (IE 7, 8, & opera 9,52 & 9,6?) I'll remove this last part when gotten reply via email-address http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/angel.gif

Vbulletin isn't that user-friendly (to me it is, i've got loads of forum experiences & this one has been anoying me for quite some while..)

I have to make my own image tags (which isn't that difficult, using clickable-links is simpler tough & then post the image/smiley url inbetween)

everything is on except HTML, which is odd, since I would like to place An ocassional link (for informing purposes only)

2008-10-21, 12:12
All BBCode should be enabled, see this help (http://forums.spybot.info/misc.php?do=bbcode). Links can be placed with the URL tag.

Take a look at your User CP (link at the left of the black bar at the top) and choose Edit Options, you can select between various editor modes there.

With Javascript enabled, even shortcuts are allowed, like Ctrl-I for Italic (don't know the ones for images and links I have to admit ;) ).

HTML is disabled because HTML allows a bit much. Wouldn't want any embedded Flash exploits in forum posts, right?

2008-10-21, 14:57
No problems in my settings, maybe Vbulletin should adjust some issues (or opera)..
Using Opera 9.6 at this moment.

p.s: you should get a load of extra storage for your pm's since you inbox/whole storage-capabilities for pm-storage is an issue http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/poster_oops.gif
That's why I suggested looking@my e-mail account that's registerd (and mailing me via that e-mail address)

2008-10-25, 04:54
Scince yesterday, "SDistTestSvc.ex" regularily hangs with 99% CPU usage after a few scans.

The GUI console shows:

(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 Queued tests:
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Virtumonde.Dll-Yodama.sbi 4074 2008-10-24 11:33:32
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-new-micha.sbi 4089 2008-10-24 14:13:49
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Virtumonde.sdn-Yodama.sbi 4075 2008-10-24 11:33:35
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Smitfraud-C.gp_RG-rene.sbi 4094 2008-10-24 17:29:57
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.Agent.aec-micha.sbi 4078 2008-10-24 14:13:47
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Netbus-micha.sbi 4079 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.VB.bco-micha.sbi 4080 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.Agent.wf-micha.sbi 4081 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi 4082 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Joke.Password-micha.sbi 4083 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.Autoit.p-micha.sbi 4084 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.SdBot.aad-micha.sbi 4085 2008-10-24 14:13:49
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.VB.dn-micha.sbi 4086 2008-10-24 14:13:49
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Win32.mIRC.603-micha.sbi 4087 2008-10-24 14:13:49
(i) 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-MSNFlood-micha.sbi 4088 2008-10-24 14:13:49


loading and testing the sbi's - all with "success"

...until SDDT-Virtumonde.sdn-Yodama.sbi (>> which has been tested at last, although it seems to be the first one to be tested according to the list above?!).

There's no "success" after testing SDDT-Virtumonde.sdn-Yodama.sbi


- playing a "ping"-sound (like if there would be a dialog box, however, there isn't one!)

- almost freezing CPU by 99% usage by the "SDistTestSvc.ex" process (OK, it's a Pentium III M at 1.1 GHz, however, it's been working fine so fare with all other SaferNW products inclunding SDDT.)

- no chance to stop the process, neither in GUI window ("stop service") nor in the win2K task manager ("stop process") - access denied; however, machine can be shot down w/o probs.

Here are some more details about the context:

- 21 GDI objects
- 115 handles
- 8 threads
- 5.952 KB memory
- 6.320 KB max. memory
- 5.672 KB virtual memory
- CPU time: 99% usage starts after a few seconds of CPU time

- Win2K SP4 with IE6 on a HP omnibook 6100 with PIIIM at 1.1GHz
- round about 35 other processes running (standard windows stuff, HP/Intel/ATI/Touchpad/deskjet-drivers, AtomiX TimeSync, RoboForm, SD TeaTimer - that's it.)
- NO other task bar applications running

Well, 'm sorry, but seem's to be a bug?? :sad:


btw.: Plz, keep your comments about w2k/IE6 :P , as I MUST use it for my job!

p.s.: Messengers show'n in my profile are all disabled currently. However, feel free to drop me a line or call/chat me by GoogleTalk: logonautics@googlemail.com.

2008-10-25, 09:34

with Standalone: it works fine
1) scans for 30 sec. (sbsdscan.exe: 95%CPU)
2) stops with popup: ~ "It's recommended to reboot..."
3) user input "yes" or "no" (doesn't matter)
4) scans for ~ 60+ sec. (sbsdscan.exe: 95%CPU)
5) after scanning has ended > SDistTestStandAlone.exe: 98%CPU for a few minutes
6) 9x%CPU ends, everything is fine, Standalone can be closed.

with Service: it hangs
1) scans for 30 sec. (sbsdscan.exe: 95%CPU)
2) stops with the wav-sound of a popup; however, there is no popup to click on
3) no popup = no user input >> it hangs!


exe-files @ \\...\SpybotSD\DistTest\

sbsdscan.exe (2008-06-13 09:05:01)
SDistTestConsole.exe (
SDistTestStandAlone.exe (
SDistTestSvc.exe ( {now deactivated}

2008-10-26, 20:12

The reboot parameter should be ignored on all nonvisual scanners. I'll tell detectives to make sure this is checked in all detection rules, and make sure there's an additional check inside the code to skip this.

2008-10-27, 14:43

updated the rules in question to have the ignore parameter to be checked before the reboot parameter.

I also got to note that the 25.10.2008 02:27 SDDT-Virtumonde.sdn-Yodama.sbi
was very large since it contained all of our upgraded Virtumonde.sdn rules. This in itself could cause long scan duration.

On the other hand, if the reboot parameter got triggered on Logonaut's computer, that means Virtumonde files got found.
@ Logonaut
If you entered the same email address to the SDDT as you used to register to this forums, than your scan results will be listed in your user control panel in "my scans". There you can see the details if there had been hits. Based on this result we can also provide you with a specialized SBI file.

2008-10-29, 01:14
For about the past week McAfee keeps thinking that there is a virus in connection with the Distributed Testing Client.

Here is what McAfee reports each time:
McAfee has automatically blocked and removed a Virus.
About this Virus
Detected: Univ.script/99a (Virus)
Location: C:\Program Files\SDTest\sbsdscan.ini

And here is what appears to be culprit in the Testing Client:
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM Queued tests:
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi 4082 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM Testing now: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi...
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM Downloading next: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM File received.
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM Wrote configuration file.
(!) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM The log file that should have been created (logs\4082.xml) was not found!
(!) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM Damn, could not upload results, will try again later!
(i) 10/28/2008 10:31 AM Failed, need to retest!

That same test shows up over and over again, always having failed (very likely because McAfee is snatching up part of it each time).

Since it seems that it is not able to upload results, I would guess that you all would never find out about this unless someone posted (like I am doing; I don't know if anyone else posted as I only checked this thread as this seemed to be the place to post such a thing).

I hope the above is helpful. Let me know if you all need more info.

Also, I do hope that it can be fixed at some point so that McAfee doesn't keep killing that test.


2008-10-29, 13:57
In a similar vien to Logonaut's posts a little earlier in this thread I am observing that the SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama test has run for about 12 hours now, consistently consuming about 50% of my dual-core processor. Surely the test should have finished by now?! :scratch:

Like Logonaut I am observing this with the SDistTestSvc.exe. As far as I know I am using the most current version.

This is the last entry (before I stop the service in a minute):
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM Queued tests:
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-Virtumonde.sdn-Yodama.sbi 4130 2008-10-28 15:48:33
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-Smitfraud-C.-Yodama.sbi 4131 2008-10-28 15:48:33
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-Virtumonde.sci-Yodama.sbi 4129 2008-10-28 15:48:33
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-AdDestination-Yodama.sbi 4128 2008-10-28 15:48:33
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi 4082 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-Virtumonde.scic-Yodama.sbi 4125 2008-10-28 15:48:31
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-Virtumonde.dllc-Yodama.sbi 4126 2008-10-28 15:48:31
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi 4127 2008-10-28 15:48:33
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM Testing now: SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi...
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM Downloading next: SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM File received.
(i) 10/28/2008 7:14 PM Wrote configuration file.

It is currently almost 8:00 am the next morning.

Thought you all would want to know.

Let me know what additional info you need from me.


2008-10-29, 14:01
Hello ispycookies!
Thanks for this information. Please send the "C:\Program Files\SDTest\sbsdscan.ini" file to detections@spybot.info as we would like to reproduce this. Thanks in advance!

2008-10-29, 14:33
File(s) sent. I had a heck of time trying to get McAfee to stop scanning files everywhere (and thus stripping out the INI files it thinks are viruses). Since I think the "infected" files did not make it through, here is the complete text from the ini files that trigger a Virus quarantine by McAfee:



XMLLocation=C:\Program Files\SDistTest\logs\4019.xml

The ini file that should have made it through would be related to the Virtumonde test.

Hope this all helps!


2008-10-29, 17:05
Hi there folks,

This is my first post on the spybot forums as I have been encouraged to post about my experiences with the Test Client.

Basically I get a combination of the results from both Logonaut and ispycookies.

Sometimes it will behave very well and other times it just keeps asking me to restart my computer as in Logonauts case.

Its mainly very similar to ispycookies case though, I can email the ini if you would like me to Buster as mine is still intact (I am using avast).

Basically long story short it is getting stuck on the “SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi 4127 2008-10-28” file. I too tried to leave it running but as my computer runs at about 99% load when this happens I haven't chanced leaving it on for about an hour or two.

Here is what I see (and have seen for the last few days) when I start the Test Console:

(Service started successfully.)

(i) 29/10/2008 15:00
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 Queued tests:
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Virtumonde.sdn-Yodama.sbi 4134 2008-10-29 13:00:11
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Smitfraud-C.-Yodama.sbi 4135 2008-10-29 13:00:12
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Virtumonde.sci-Yodama.sbi 4133 2008-10-29 13:00:11
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-AdDestination-Yodama.sbi 4132 2008-10-29 13:00:10
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Alpha-20081027-Buster.sbi 4123 2008-10-27 17:38:44
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Alpha-20081027-Yodama.sbi 4124 2008-10-28 08:14:50
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Virtumonde.scic-Yodama.sbi 4125 2008-10-28 15:48:31
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Virtumonde.dllc-Yodama.sbi 4126 2008-10-28 15:48:31
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi 4127 2008-10-28 15:48:33
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 Testing now: SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi...
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 Downloading next: SDDT-Virtumonde.sdnc-Yodama.sbi
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 File received.
(i) 29/10/2008 15:00 Wrote configuration file.

I hope this can be resolved soon as I would really like to continue helping with the Beta.

If there is any more information you require please just ask and I’ll do my best to help.


Harv :bigthumb:

2008-10-30, 10:14
@MK & SDDT team:

Due to the current prob's, I'd been forced to deactivate SDDT. However, I'd like to go on using it.

So it would be great, if you could give a little hint to all of us, when the trouble will be fixed.



2008-10-30, 23:02
@MK & SDDT team:

Due to the current prob's, I'd been forced to deactivate SDDT. However, I'd like to go on using it.

So it would be great, if you could give a little hint to all of us, when the trouble will be fixed.


Me too :rolleyes:

2008-10-31, 01:38
Me too :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Logonaut View Post
@MK & SDDT team:

Due to the current prob's, I'd been forced to deactivate SDDT. However, I'd like to go on using it.

So it would be great, if you could give a little hint to all of us, when the trouble will be fixed.


My thread on the issue: http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=35805

2008-11-03, 17:17
we checked your file and everything is alright with it. Maybe it was a false positive with McAfee. We could not reproduce the situation so maybe it is fixed already and will be solved by the latest McAfee updates.

@ispycookies: You can restart your sddt we updated the current files and the problem should be solved

Best regards,

2008-11-03, 17:42
we checked your file and everything is alright with it. Maybe it was a false positive with McAfee. We could not reproduce the situation so maybe it is fixed already and will be solved by the latest McAfee updates.

@ispycookies: You can restart your sddt we updated the current files and the problem should be solved

Best regards,
Thanks for the reply.

I have restarted sddt and it ran through everything fine, EXCEPT that McAfee is still finding a "virus" on the same test:

(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Testing now: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi...
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Downloading next: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM File received.
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Wrote configuration file.
(!) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM The log file that should have been created (logs\4082.xml) was not found!
(!) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Damn, could not upload results, will try again later!
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Failed, need to retest!

(Service stopped successfully.)
(Service started successfully.)
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Queued tests:
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi 4082 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Testing now: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi...
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Downloading next: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM File received.
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Wrote configuration file.
(!) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM The log file that should have been created (logs\4082.xml) was not found!
(!) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Damn, could not upload results, will try again later!
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Failed, need to retest!
And McAfee snatches up and quarantine's the ini for the above test, same as before.

But at least all of the other tests ran successfully. :)

Hopefully a update to McAfee in the near future will fix this; otherwise that test is never going to complete! :sad:

2008-11-04, 17:15
Hi there folks,

Just wanted to post an update to let you know how I'm getting on.

It seems that shortly after I posted my original message the file that was causing the issue was fixed / reconfigured, now everything is going as well as before and the tests are processing / completing successfully.

Many thanks for looking into this issue; I can now get back to helping out with the Testing Console!


Harv :)

2008-11-05, 02:06
@team spybot: I had the same issue with the Yodama.sbi..
4800X2 Toledo AMD.. http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/woo1.gif

Do I have to upload some f/p-files?
I did not have any time to read the procedures that relate to opensbi and such.. http://forums.spybot.info/images/smilies/ph34r.gif

having some nasty issues of my own.. (including some health-issues..)

Kind regards,

Hoping to be able to support Team S&D soon again.. [in A financial manner]

2008-11-24, 14:20
The license file for the command line scanner has expired today, a new update will be available asap, probably today :)

2008-11-24, 22:55
The license file for the command line scanner has expired today, a new update will be available asap, probably today :)

I have downloaded and installed the latest update for the testing console, however, even though i have the latest update installed, when i click "about" in the program (which seems to go straight to the updater for some reason) I get the following: There's a new version, 1.6.1, available. Update to 1.6.1 is required to run after November 23rd, 2008. Do you want to download it? And when i click no, (as i have already did the update) it brings me to the about screen and says the following info: spybot s&d distributed testing console Which is the latest version.....yet it keeps telling me a new update is available, and yet i already have it. Just thought i would let you know of this. Uninstall and install again does not help. So ya, little bug ;)

Skip Da Shu
2008-11-25, 04:15
I have downloaded and installed the latest update for the testing console, however, even though i have the latest update installed, when i click "about" in the program (which seems to go straight to the updater for some reason) I get the following: There's a new version, 1.6.1, available. Update to 1.6.1 is required to run after November 23rd, 2008. Do you want to download it? And when i click no, (as i have already did the update) it brings me to the about screen and says the following info: spybot s&d distributed testing console Which is the latest version.....yet it keeps telling me a new update is available, and yet i already have it. Just thought i would let you know of this. Uninstall and install again does not help. So ya, little bug ;)

Ditto. Same here.

2008-11-25, 14:16
Ditto. Same here.

Same here

2008-11-25, 21:04

I noticed one of my machines running distributed testing was using 100% of the processors of my dual core machine (50% CPU) for over a day. I stopped and restarted the service a few times and the download queue was getting longer and it seemed stuck on one entry:-

Testing now: SDDT-Win32.Hidden.RTK-Yodama.sbi

To check, I installed the client on my other machine, a quad core, with the same effects. It has been also stuck testing this item overnight and is using 25% cpu (100% of 1 processor core)

Could you look into this please? The queued test list is getting quite long and I would hate the alternative of shutting down the service as the excessive cpu use is hindering my normal use of the machines.

Can you email me with your response as I am unwilling to commit so much constant cpu resource to testing one possibly faulty rule test and will be forced to terminate my involvement in the testing program if this problem persists.

Thank you

Ps - I am using the current version 1.6 of the S/W and the OS on my machines is 1. XP Pro SP3 2. Vista Ult SP1

2008-11-25, 21:37
Further to my previous post, I have sent my sbsdscan.ini as suggested in an earlier thread post.

Sorry for the multiple post. I get a bit crabby when I wake up for my first coffee and I see both my babies (2 nice PC's) are using up cpu on I what don't know.

:crazy: :laugh:

I've had my coffee now and I'm settled.


PS again. Maybe I should go back to bed. Normally I can say what I need to in one post with zero edits :laugh:

I've had no virus checker or firwall issues with any testing (Avast and OutPost Pro). Also, the client runs fine otherwise.

2008-11-26, 10:30
This issue sound like the one PepiMK mentioned with the expired license file.
You will need to install the new version of the distributed testing client, the installer can be manually downloaded here (http://forums.spybot.info/downloads.php?id=19)

2008-12-03, 18:59
about the post i made along with other people on the last page?

"I have downloaded and installed the latest update for the testing console, however, even though i have the latest update installed, when i click "about" in the program (which seems to go straight to the updater for some reason) I get the following: There's a new version, 1.6.1, available. Update to 1.6.1 is required to run after November 23rd, 2008. Do you want to download it? And when i click no, (as i have already did the update) it brings me to the about screen and says the following info: spybot s&d distributed testing console Which is the latest version.....yet it keeps telling me a new update is available, and yet i already have it. Just thought i would let you know of this. Uninstall and install again does not help. So ya, little bug ;) "

2008-12-09, 21:36
Thanks for the reply.

I have restarted sddt and it ran through everything fine, EXCEPT that McAfee is still finding a "virus" on the same test:

(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Testing now: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi...
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Downloading next: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM File received.
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Wrote configuration file.
(!) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM The log file that should have been created (logs\4082.xml) was not found!
(!) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Damn, could not upload results, will try again later!
(i) 11/3/2008 10:28 AM Failed, need to retest!

(Service stopped successfully.)
(Service started successfully.)
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Queued tests:
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi 4082 2008-10-24 14:13:48
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Testing now: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi...
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Downloading next: SDDT-PoisonIvy-micha.sbi
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM File received.
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Wrote configuration file.
(!) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM The log file that should have been created (logs\4082.xml) was not found!
(!) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Damn, could not upload results, will try again later!
(i) 11/3/2008 10:38 AM Failed, need to retest!
And McAfee snatches up and quarantine's the ini for the above test, same as before.

But at least all of the other tests ran successfully. :)

Hopefully a update to McAfee in the near future will fix this; otherwise that test is never going to complete! :sad:

sddt had been running well and without any McAfee warnings since maybe a week after my last post (which was the beginning of November). However, the recent PoisonIvy-micha test is again triggering McAfee the same as before, only this time when McAfee quarantine's the ini file it causes sddt to crash, but sddt stays at 50% CPU usage until I click on the window that tells Windows whether or not to send an error report. Below is the info from the log:

(i) 12/9/2008 2:20 PM Testing now: SDDT-Win32.PoisonIvy.j-micha.sbi...
(i) 12/9/2008 2:20 PM Downloading next: SDDT-Win32.PoisonIvy.j-micha.sbi
(i) 12/9/2008 2:20 PM File received.
(i) 12/9/2008 2:20 PM Wrote configuration file.
(i) 12/9/2008 2:22 PM Exception EFOpenError in module sbsdscan.exe at 0001FD03.
(i) 12/9/2008 2:22 PM Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\SDistTest\sbsdscan.ini". Access is denied.
(i) 12/9/2008 2:22 PM
(!) 12/9/2008 2:22 PM The log file that should have been created (logs\4452.xml) was not found!
(!) 12/9/2008 2:22 PM Damn, could not upload results, will try again later!
(i) 12/9/2008 2:22 PM Failed, need to retest!
Unfortunately I do not have the time right now to do any troubleshooting, but I wanted to at least pass on this information which I hope will be helpful. I'll need to disable sddt for the time being. :sad: But I'll try it periodically over the next weeks/months to see if the issue has somehow gotten resolve either on McAfee's end or with sddt.


2008-12-10, 07:05
This issue sound like the one PepiMK mentioned with the expired license file.
You will need to install the new version of the distributed testing client, the installer can be manually downloaded here (http://forums.spybot.info/downloads.php?id=19)

Thanks Yodama. I've been a bit too busy to revisit the issue but I just downloaded the new client as you recommended and all is fixed now and running well. The 2nd machine should be up and testing also soon.


2008-12-19, 16:01
I got a problem on this detection it's been running for more than 4 day without result...
Got any advise to start the next one?

2008-12-19, 18:03
Updated to new version it's working fine now...

2008-12-27, 00:38
I uninstalled my older S&D because my computer is a mess with the spyware 2009. Have to get to that nexxt. For now I need to use the new version and I have doanloaded with out auto updates checked as read about in post. I also disabled the firewall while doing so, just in case. On my desk top but I still can't open it. Please help :sad:

Edit -tashi
Malware forum topic:

2009-03-08, 18:22
Hello, I'm french and I find Sbsd is a very good idea^^

I use it a lot but i'ts not very Practice. It would be nice, to can send sbsd in the task bar in a very next version like folding@home or lot's of software. ! ;)

2009-03-24, 16:46
Hi! Started using this on my wifes' computer

(Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3 on a Compaq Presario AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+ 966MHz 1.93GB RAM )

recently and I've noticed that only the "Non-Service" version ( of it will work - when I try to use the other (, it just gives me a message that it can't start the service.

Norton 360 is the A/V and firewall on that computer and its' wirelessly connected to my router, if that makes any difference.

Is this normal? Pete

2009-03-24, 16:59
If the service is already running and you hit the "Start Service" button you'll get the message "(Could not start service)", maybe there should be something like "Service already running" or something like that. Did you already try turning it off and on again?

2009-03-26, 05:26
Sorry for the delay in responding.

No, I didn't try turning it off and on again, but I can.

Actually, now that I did a C/A/D, I'm seeing that it is running (see screenshot), I'm just not seeing a SYSTRAY icon for it (which it may or may not have - is it supposed to?). I could have sworn one was there before.

Anyway, I guess I can close down the "Stand-Alone" one? I just like to see what's going on with it.

Is there any harm in leaving both of them running? Pete

2009-03-27, 05:55
I recall that the StandAlone was more like a model (doesn't do anything) of the real one.

2009-03-27, 06:58
It doesn't seem that way here - the "stand alone" shows you when it runs a test (I think - at least that's what it looks like it's doing), gives you all kinds of cheerful messages when it's happy and seems lonely when it doesn't have anything to do.

That's okay - I'm going to run both until someone tells me otherwise.

Thanks all. Pete

2009-03-28, 00:37
I should clarify. Running the standalone client is a model that'll show you what the real thing will look like. The Testing Console is the real stuff.

2009-04-07, 05:31
@Drragosta: maybe you should re-check your knowledge about the stand-alone client. (I've got like 60 pages of testing @this confirming it's working)
It's an actual working component you know, it just does all the testing when you start the program, it isn't like the service (which starts-up@start-up :laugh: )

@Anyone of the S&D team: does the client fail (often) when certain malware is able to recognize that's it's being spotted?
In this example: Win32.TDSS.pe-Buster; It seems to be on A pc of some 'friends' & they regularly practice bad Internet usage.. :laugh:
Strangely enough Internet was usable up-to some level until Avira's scanner removed some of the malware.. (now they don't have Internet access on that particular pc/computer.)

2009-04-08, 04:33
Yeah, good point :sad:. I didn't read enough books about it.

Enlighten me (the differences between the two)? : D
Even though the Stand-alone client has "Non-Service Version" logo on the window title.

2009-04-19, 21:49
I don't know what - if anything - changed, but the "Beta testing service Console" is now working correctly on my wifes' computer.

Starts w/Windows, shows in SYSTRAY and accurately logs the tests as they happen without my having to open the stand-alone client to see that. Pete

2009-12-17, 03:13
There is a problem already showed up in http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=21513&page=5

In case the installer fails to add entry for SDisTestService to the registry for some reason, you can do it manually with the file attached!

2009-12-18, 08:43

2010-03-05, 01:54
Until today I never did look at any of the "features" of this....and just kind of let it do it's thing automatically. :red:

2010-04-21, 21:18

I have just uninstalled Distributed Testing sddt-1.6.1.exe. Recently it started causing blue screen. I have deleted all the Distributed Testing files in the C:/Program files. Are there any other files belonging to this program that I should delete to be sure I have a clean pc? I want to be sure that there are no damaged files left, in case I reinstall the program later.

Ps. It has been running for months without any problems.

2010-04-26, 20:49

I reinstalled Distributed Testing and it is running without any problems now.

2011-01-21, 20:23
I've just got a Windows 7 PC and I've tried to install the Distributed Testing.

The installation goes okay except at the end when, after clicking Finish, I get the following error:

Unable to execute file: C:\Program Files\Spybot\SDistTestSvc.exe

CreateProcess failed; code 740.
The requested operation requires elevation.

A screenshot of the error is in the attachment.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling which seemed to help others here and that didn't help.

I've tried starting and stopping the service using the Testing Console and that doesn't work and gives a "(Could not start[stop] service!) error.

I've tried checking "Run this application when the system starts" in the Testing Console Settings and that causes an error. I'll send the error report for this when I've posted this message.

Any ideas on what I need to do to get the Distributed Testing going?

2011-02-06, 03:09
Just wanted to report that I got the Distributed Testing to work in Windows 7 by right clicking on the sddt-1.6.1.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator" rather than just double clicking the file.

Note that I did this in my administrator account though I'm not sure if this is absolutely necessary.