If when you start your PC you have the Teatimer icon in the task bar (looks like a miniature Spybot screen with a padlock on it), right click on it and select Exit Spybot-S&D Resident. Now start Spybot and put it into Advanced mode (Select Mode at the top of the screen, then Advanced, then click on Yes to the next prompt.
Now click on Tools, then Resident and remove the tick from the box next to Teatimer. Exit Spybot.
Clean out all your temporary files and browser caches, then reboot your PC. Start spybot and carry out a full scan. Forget about any items it finds shown in green, but have it attempt to fix any items shown in Red. If it requires a reboot to do this, that's OK.
If there were items in red, once Spybot has completed the fix, exit spybot,
reboot then repeat the process. If there are any items in red in this second scan, can you post the fix log. (Tools/View Report/View previous report. Look for most recent file called Fixes.yymmdd-hhmm.txt). You can either export this file and attach it to a post, or highlight the content of the report and cut and past it into a post.
I would recommend you also run a full scan of your operating system partition or drive with Avast to ensure there are no viral gremlins present.
You might also do a check of your operating system partition. Click on Start, then Run. Type in Chkdsk C:/F and press enter. It will open a command screen and then probably tell you it can't run etc, etc... and ask whether you want the check made the next time the system restarts. Answer that with Y (for yes) and press enter, then reboot your PC. Chkdsk will run at startup.
You can of course completely uninstall Spybot and reinstall the latest version from one of the links at
http://www.spybot.info/en/mirrors/index.html however since you say the problem is also occurring with other applications, I wouldn't make this my first option.
Can you try the above and let us know what you find.