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View Full Version : Trademark issues

2006-08-06, 21:40
As a result of our ongoing efforts to protect our users from frauds, we're happy to announce that we were able to shut down three major mock sites: spybot.org is now registered to us as well, and the misleading selling of anti-spyware software on spybot.cc and spybot.biz has been shut down.
Our main targets now are free-spybot.com (with a dozen other very similar domains) and spywarebot.com, who still cheat many people each day into paying for something they believe would be Spybot-S&D. If you are one of those who were mislead by one of these pages, please let us know at legal@spybot.info.

More... (http://www.spybot.info/en/news/2006-08-04.html)

(Update: the email address has been written correctly, since the spam-avoidance form mislead some people.)