View Full Version : Immunization entries "stuck" at 219456?

2013-09-22, 15:40
Hi. I have been using free version of Spybot S&D for several years, and I thought the number of entries immunized used to go up each week when I would update and re-immunize. I now have version (scanner version and immunization entries has stayed at 219456 for quite a few weeks, maybe months. Should I be concerned that the immunization isn't working correctly? I have MSE and also the free version of Malewarebytes on the machine (an HP Pavilion laptop running Windows 7). But my understanding is that neither of these should cause a problem for Spybot S&D. Is everything copacetic, or should the number of entries be increasing over time? Thanks in advance for any help!

2013-09-23, 05:43
Spybot 2.1 most likely created a scheduled task when you installed it where immunization is updated every week on Wednesday.If you'd like to view it/see if it is there,you can click your start menu,type task,doubleclick task scheduler,press the arrow thingie next to task scheduler library,then the one next to Safer-Networking,then click Spybot-Search & Destroy,and click on the Refresh immunization task to view it.That scheduled task should be keeping your immunization up-to-date.

219456 does seem a bit low.My processed entries are 281069,plus 47202 need to be immunized,so that would bring mine to 328271.
(I think,I got 2 different answers when I put it into calculator.) :D:
But then again I have Firefox,plus a Firefox user on the other account,so that would put the count up quite a bit,and you may not have firefox on your computer.As I understand it,immunization counts can vary. :)

This isn't really related to the immunization count,but I thought I'd tell you that you can also doubleclick Spybot-S&D Start Center,rightclick Immunization and run as admin,then click Check System to see what comes up,if you haven`t already,and also click Show Details to view what is immunized,and make sure all seems to be ok.

2013-09-25, 01:17
Thanks. I also have Firefox (plus IE) and two users on the machine. I don't have automatic updating or immunization set up. I do it manually once a week. I have checked the details and the immunization results don't show any entries "unprotected," so maybe it's fine. Just seems weird that the number of entries has not changed in so long. I even uninstalled it entirely and reinstalled just in case there was something not working right. Result after reinstall, updating and immunizing? 219456 entries protected. Maybe that's just what it's supposed to be in this case.

2013-09-25, 07:36
Yes,that could be what it is supposed to be.I might have more things that need immunization than you do,besides Firefox. :)