View Full Version : Error updating Malware

2024-03-13, 18:10
[00:03.039] [+] Downloaded archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" from http://sbsd-dl-uk.com/spybot2/.
[00:03.039] [-] Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e for archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" does not match expected hash D82B4FA6C504C4ABE3C336378B5BFC0C!
[00:03.039] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:03.039] [+] Installed 2 updates.

Should I be concerned about this? I re-ran the update and everything worked.


2024-03-13, 18:23
[00:03.039] [+] Downloaded archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" from http://sbsd-dl-uk.com/spybot2/.
[00:03.039] [-] Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e for archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" does not match expected hash D82B4FA6C504C4ABE3C336378B5BFC0C!
[00:03.039] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:03.039] [+] Installed 2 updates.

Should I be concerned about this? I re-ran the update and everything worked.


Here is the full log snippet.

SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:57] [+] Updating Service is active.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:57] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [+] Retrieved update info file.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [.] Info file part done.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [.] Testing which updates apply to this version...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [+] Trojans-C.sbi (version 20240306) needs to be updated (to version 20240313).
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [+] Adware-C.sbi (version 20240227) needs to be updated (to version 20240313).
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [.] Downloading updates...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:58] [+] File "Adware-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:59] [+] Downloaded archive "Adware-C.sbi-20240313.cab" from http://updates5.safer-networking.org/spybot2/.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:59] [+] Extracted "Adware-C.sbi-20240313.cab"!
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:59] [+] Installed "Adware-C.sbi".
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:04:59] [+] File "Trojans-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:05:00] [+] Downloaded archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" from http://sbsd-dl-uk.com/spybot2/.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:05:00] [-] Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e for archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" does not match expected hash D82B4FA6C504C4ABE3C336378B5BFC0C!
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:05:00] [+] All files have been processed.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:05:00] +++
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:32] [+] Updating Service is active.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:32] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates3.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:33] [+] Retrieved update info file.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:34] [.] Info file part done.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:34] [.] Testing which updates apply to this version...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:34] [+] No updates required.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:07:34] +++
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:20] [+] Updating Service is active.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:20] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:21] [+] Retrieved update info file.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:21] [.] Info file part done.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:21] [.] Testing which updates apply to this version...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:21] [+] Trojans-C.sbi (version 20240306) needs to be updated (to version 20240313).
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:21] [.] Downloading updates...
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:21] [+] File "Trojans-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:22] [+] Downloaded archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab" from http://updates2.safer-networking.org/spybot2/.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:22] [+] Extracted "Trojans-C.sbi-20240313.cab"!
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:22] [+] Installed "Trojans-C.sbi".
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:22] [+] All files have been processed.
SDUpdSvc.exe [2024-03-13 10:15:22] +++

2024-03-14, 06:35
No, that should be okay. I see the update downloaded, extracted and installed okay later on in the update logfile.

2024-03-21, 09:44
This seems to be a problem again this week. Here are the log messages that I got repeatedly:

[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.010] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.020] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:00.797] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:01.598] [.] Info file part done.
[00:01.875] [+] Malware-C.sbi (version 20240306) needs to be updated (to version 20240320).
[00:02.019] [.] Downloading updates...
[00:02.037] [+] File "Malware-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
[00:02.978] [+] Downloaded archive "Malware-C.sbi-20240320.cab" from http://sbsd-dl-eu.com/spybot2/.
[00:02.990] [-] Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e for archive "Malware-C.sbi-20240320.cab" does not match expected hash 4C40139E5E19DA42DDC5C3985838B67E!
[00:03.001] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:03.022] [+] Installed 1 updates.

I kept doing the update until I got

[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.009] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.020] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:00.789] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:01.606] [.] Info file part done.
[00:01.859] [+] Malware-C.sbi (version 20240306) needs to be updated (to version 20240320).
[00:01.993] [.] Downloading updates...
[00:02.014] [+] File "Malware-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
[00:03.182] [+] Downloaded archive "Malware-C.sbi-20240320.cab" from http://updates2.safer-networking.org/spybot2/.
[00:03.201] [+] Extracted "Malware-C.sbi-20240320.cab"!
[00:03.211] [+] Installed "Malware-C.sbi".
[00:03.222] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:03.241] [+] Installed 1 updates.

Note that if you're updating on Wednesday or early on Thursday, make sure that the "Trying to retrieve update info file" message (second line in the log) says that it has got the file from updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid... updates1 is the important bit, if the file comes from updates2 or updates3 then keep trying until you get the "Trying to retrieve update info file" message from the updates1 server.

This is because it appears that the updates are taking a long time to replicate from updates1.safer-networking.org to the other servers.

I reported this to Spybot some time ago, but as usual got fobbed off with messages about running as administrator or switching off other security software. So I just keep updating until I get a clear message, i.e.

[00:00.021] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:00.851] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:01.665] [.] Info file part done.
[00:02.092] [+] The antispyware signatures are up to date.

when the info file is retrieved from the updates1.safer-networking.org. Clear messages from the other servers mean nothing unless you are doing the check much later in the week, probably not until Friday.

2024-03-23, 07:06
I didn't know about that. Good info, thanks. :)