Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10.
Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that's free and clean. Might or might not become part of the next Spybot, since it's similar to immunization, but it's needed now, and it's still work in progress as more and more information evolves.
Choose one:

Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that's free and clean. Might or might not become part of the next Spybot, since it's similar to immunization, but it's needed now, and it's still work in progress as more and more information evolves.
Choose one:
- Download latest stand-alone (just the executable, not localized)
- Download latest Installer (includes German localization)
- Download latest PortableApps Edition (beta version for portable testing)
Version 1.6 (November 11th, 2016)
- Additional Telemetry Immunization Categories
- Additional Blocked Hosts
- Immunization of Office 13/16 Telemetry Scheduled Tasks and Options is possible even if Microsoft Office is not installed (previously they appeared to immunize correctly, but the immunization could not be undone in Anti-Beacon)
Version 1.5 (October 19th, 2015)
- Implemented /silent
- Added Office 15 (2013) Telemetry immunization (Group Policies & Scheduled Tasks)
- Added Office 16 (2016) Telemetry immunization (Group Policies & Scheduled Tasks)
- Hosts file block IP default changed from to
- Added own group policy for hosts file read only flag
- Added own group policy for hosts file block IP
- Added own group policies for hiding each immunizer
- Added OpenSSL libraries to installer
- Added OpenSSL credits to About dialog
- Added own scheduled task
Version 1.4 (September 16th, 2015)
- Service names are now read from the registry to be in local language
- About dialog now has an update checker
- Added details option to Optional immunizers
- Added FAQ tab
- Change log moved to About dialog to avoid too many main tabs and standardize SNL app changelogs
- Added license to About dialog
- Height auto-adjusted to screens work area now
- Base immunization type for adding IPs to firewall
- Added license to installer
Version 1.3 (September 9th, 2015)
- Moved option to show/hide checkboxes to global button
- Added details for most entries
- Added task bar color progress
- Added task bar tasks
- Fixed hosts file locked issue
- Improved log output
- added command line parameters
Version 1.2 (August 28th, 2015)
- Added Cortana group policy
- Added OneDrive service & goup policy
- Added CEIP scheduled task
- Added Remote Registry service (choose based on need)
- Fixed total status
- Added support for scheduled tasks
- Added fallback method to disable system services
- Added German localization
Version 1.1 (August 24th, 2015)
- Fixed hosts total count
- Added Optional tab, new search settings
- Added more hosts
- Fixed typos
Version 1.0 (August 19th, 2015)
- Initial release

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