Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10

Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10.

Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that's free and clean. Might or might not become part of the next Spybot, since it's similar to immunization, but it's needed now, and it's still work in progress as more and more information evolves.

Choose one:

Version 1.6 (November 11th, 2016)

  • Additional Telemetry Immunization Categories
  • Additional Blocked Hosts
  • Immunization of Office 13/16 Telemetry Scheduled Tasks and Options is possible even if Microsoft Office is not installed (previously they appeared to immunize correctly, but the immunization could not be undone in Anti-Beacon)

Version 1.5 (October 19th, 2015)

  • Implemented /silent
  • Added Office 15 (2013) Telemetry immunization (Group Policies & Scheduled Tasks)
  • Added Office 16 (2016) Telemetry immunization (Group Policies & Scheduled Tasks)
  • Hosts file block IP default changed from to
  • Added own group policy for hosts file read only flag
  • Added own group policy for hosts file block IP
  • Added own group policies for hiding each immunizer
  • Added OpenSSL libraries to installer
  • Added OpenSSL credits to About dialog
  • Added own scheduled task

Version 1.4 (September 16th, 2015)
  • Service names are now read from the registry to be in local language
  • About dialog now has an update checker
  • Added details option to Optional immunizers
  • Added FAQ tab
  • Change log moved to About dialog to avoid too many main tabs and standardize SNL app changelogs
  • Added license to About dialog
  • Height auto-adjusted to screens work area now
  • Base immunization type for adding IPs to firewall
  • Added license to installer

Version 1.3 (September 9th, 2015)

  • Moved option to show/hide checkboxes to global button
  • Added details for most entries
  • Added task bar color progress
  • Added task bar tasks
  • Fixed hosts file locked issue
  • Improved log output
  • added command line parameters

Version 1.2 (August 28th, 2015)

  • Added Cortana group policy
  • Added OneDrive service & goup policy
  • Added CEIP scheduled task
  • Added Remote Registry service (choose based on need)
  • Fixed total status
  • Added support for scheduled tasks
  • Added fallback method to disable system services
  • Added German localization

Version 1.1 (August 24th, 2015)
  • Fixed hosts total count
  • Added Optional tab, new search settings
  • Added more hosts
  • Fixed typos

Version 1.0 (August 19th, 2015)
  • Initial release

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Bug in the Program

I downloaded your program from MajorGeeks and applied or immunized all protections for my Windows 10 PC. The green bars state protection is applied but at the top, a large red bar states that no protection has been applied. You have a glitch.
Download link updated to version 1.2 (exe that can be directly used).

  • Includes a bunch of additional protections (now cares about scheduled tasks as well),
  • fixes the total hosts count
  • adds localization (German only),
  • adds optional issues (you can add more privacy based on preferences, e.g. with Cortana and OneDrive).

To get the German localization as well, pick the installer instead.
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Thanks PepiMK and Team Spybot for your hardly work ! Greetings from a Chinese guy who works as an IT Tech Support at Sydney CBD, Australia !
Hey i just downloaded this on Windows 8.1.

I have been using this for a while: https://voat.co/v/technology/comments/459263

When I opened up Anti-Beacon, it said I was only 16% immunized.

What I would like to know is what exactly does this program do?

It needs a FULL transparency report ASAP.

Also: are there arguments to export to an actual log file? The log tab only outputted 2 lines.

Lastly: there are no options in the Optional tab.
Hey i just downloaded this on Windows 8.1.

I have been using this for a while: https://voat.co/v/technology/comments/459263

When I opened up Anti-Beacon, it said I was only 16% immunized.

What I would like to know is what exactly does this program do?

It needs a FULL transparency report ASAP.

Also: are there arguments to export to an actual log file? The log tab only outputted 2 lines.

Lastly: there are no options in the Optional tab.

This is an early version of the program as far as I've been able to gather. To enabing the program after running it you have to press 'Immunize' in the lower right corner. I had somme immunization from before as well, which was at 32%, I can only assume this is from what we have already done on our own to limit the data Microsoft recieves.

Some information on what this does would be great though, but at least my PC doesn't 'phone home' nearly as much now.

Thanks guys and gals at Spybot! <3
I run Peerblock, which has a list of Microsoft IPs blocked. After I ran all the immunization, then opened my Start Menu and started typing things in, Peerblock was still catching requests to Microsoft servers. Specifically to IP
Spybot anti-Beacon 1.3 makes problems with the Outlook app under Windows 10

Hello there,

since I installed version 1.3 and all have immunized, my Outlook stops working app, this is no longer updated and fetches any new messages more pure! I set everything back to its original state back it works again!
I don't know what happened but this crippled by Windows 10 Mail app. I have stopped using SD Cut The Line. I thought it was permanently crippled but I un-did every option and re-booted. It's working now kind of. I receive mail but I get a message box saying cannot get a connection or something with an error code.

Unless I missed something you guys should probably go back through and find what causes this and fix it pronto.

Could you guys add the latest version info there, so I don't have to check the forum post all the time?

Also, when will the app get an updater through its self?

That one will get updated asap. It will then point to our download portal - this is the link.

Updating itself could be a next step, right :) First releases were a single executable without even installer, there it would have been more difficult.

Small update: integrated update check, download and install has been added - see About dialog in next version, 1.4. Before the release of 1.4, we'll have to check that Windows 10 Mail / Outlook issue though!
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I don't know what happened but this crippled by Windows 10 Mail app. I have stopped using SD Cut The Line. I thought it was permanently crippled but I un-did every option and re-booted. It's working now kind of. I receive mail but I get a message box saying cannot get a connection or something with an error code.

Unless I missed something you guys should probably go back through and find what causes this and fix it pronto.

If you are talking about the Mail app that is bundled with Windows 8/8.1/10 then you are referring to the one that is on the Microsoft Store.

This app, as well as many other apps, are apart of the monitoring/surveillance/tracking/privacy violations/etc. and are going to definitely not function any more after running this program.

This is something you as the user would definitely need to be aware of.

It's not Anti-Beacon / CutTheLine's fault, really, it's just the way M$FT integrated their apps into Windows it's self, at the core/kernel level.

My suggestion is to keep using CutTheLine, NEVER give up your privacy, and look into other mail clients.

I personally like Mozilla Thunderbird because it resembles the paid-for program Microsoft Outlook.
Good news: it seems only the optional "OneDrive Service" is responsible for Windows Mail not working. After undoing this immunization, a reboot is indeed necessary. That's why it's listed as "Optional" :lip: Everything else can be applied. OneDrive sync is on the lists of many similar tools, but as with all optional entries, you need to make a choice based on your needs.

But this seems to be an important point - we added a FAQ tab to the main window (and moved the Changelog to the About dialog to avoid too many tabs).
I've installed OK on a W10 machine, but on a W7 machine with Avira AV, it says

"Virus or unwanted program 'TR/ATRAPS.Gen2 [trojan]'
detected in file 'C:\Test\Spybot Anti-Beacon\SDCutTheLine.exe.
Action performed: Deny access"

I have actually installed the Anti-beacon by temporarily disabling Avira, and nothing shows up with a scan, but I'd appreciate a comment.
Your optional "Telemetry IPs" in version 1.4 blocks the ability to search bing.com
Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone who immunized against it and couldn't figure it out.