Immunization failing Spybot V 2


New member
I am running V

When I login as admin and R click / choose "run as admin" the immunization feature shows none of the threat areas as "Protected".

When I run immunization everything seems fine and the outcome is full protection. . . but when I re-open the Immunization screen nothing is protected . . . although the "Test System" feature on this screen does show everything as protected.

I tried searching for a similar post but did not find one.

Any help appreciated.
I have exactly the same issue - running as administrator on Windows7 64bit, apply immunization seems to work then when I check nothing is processed.
u are running a 64bit version of windows. spybot cannot handle 64bit-Versions correctly now, so immunisation status is not correctly.
I'm having the same problem too. I check system status and it shows nothing is immunized. I run immunization (admin) and it immunizes everything except PE_C_PUBLIC (content) Opera. I exit immunization after its finished but when I check it again after sometime, nothing is immunized again.

I'm using win 7 ultimate 32 bit, with avast AV free, winpatrol and privatefirewall 7. Using opera version 12.11.

I used spybot S&D 1.6 before and immunization works.

So when you click "Check system" from the navigation bar on the left, it shows nothing immunized either?

Best regards
Team Spybot
@winterb: Does only Opera not getting immunisated or all browser?

Please also try Kommunikation again after u disabled all ur other security-software and give Feedback

Thanks for the suggestion. I opened the immunization window and initially it showed that nothing is immunized but when I ran system check, it updated and showed that the system was immunized. Except for opera again as previously mentioned.

So this means there's a problem with the initial report of the Immunization window because it initially reported that nothing was immunized.


Still no go. I disabled avast AV free, WinPatrol and PrivateFirewall and tried immunization but PE_C_PUBLIC (content) Opera was not immunized. There was no problem with Firefox and Internet Explorer -- they were immunized.
I guess it is again an issue from the changes made in Opera
They again charged sonething How they thread their stuff and Spybot cant yet handle this News staff.
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Same thing, different setup

I am seeing similar problems with some immunizations applying and others not in Windows 7 running Symantec Endpoint Security. Tried disabling Symantec and doing the immunization, but they still look like they are not applying, while the System Protection says "full".
I reported a similar situation about a week ago to Tech Support but not had a respoinse from them. In my case it the Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird entries that do not update when imunising via a scheduled action but do when I manually selerct imunise. Qite disappointed at no reply as I do have the paid for version 2.

The fact that it initially shows no items to be imunised is a known issue which they will look at in future updates.
I, too, am having this problem.

Am running Spybot 2 V2.0.12.0 with pro-active browser protection, in a Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, IE 10 (V10.0.9200.16521IS). Other active security software includes Avira Internet Security 2013, and Malwarebytes V1.70.0.1100, and SpywareBlaster V5.0

Spybot tasks, including Immunization, all indicate they run with administrator privileges (set by Task Properties).

Any suggestions?
I don't have Opera or Firefox on my system.

There's another thread indicating the immunization sticky issue is being looked into.

Perhaps I posted my "me too" message in the wrong thread.

So which Browser is not getting immunisated in your case?
Could you provide a Screenshot from the Immu-Wizzard?
So which Browser is not getting immunisated in your case?
Could you provide a Screenshot from the Immu-Wizzard?

As I stated in my initial post on 13Mar2013, I am running Spybot 2 V2.0.12.0 with pro-active browser protection, in a Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, IE 10 (V10.0.9200.16521IS). Other active security software includes Avira Internet Security 2013, and Malwarebytes V1.70.0.1100, and SpywareBlaster V5.0

I've attached the screenshot you requested, after I had applied immunization and then re-initiated Immunization wizard. Note, if I run check sytem, all items are indicated as protected. For whatever reason, Spybot doesn't seem to "remember".